Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 8 and 10

Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 8 and 10

The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 15 and 4
Greatest common factor = 1
Least common multiple = 15 * 4 = 60
There is no other than both all every each
Meaning, usage, followed by what nouns (singular and plural, countable and uncountable), followed by the predicate (whether to change to simple three), (the difference plus the difference), to be similar to the list as a more clear explanation. To ensure that right
Neither nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor
None of them, none of them
Both each (of)... Either neither both not / not both
All three
None of them, none of them
Both each (of)... Either neither both not / not both
All every (one of...) any none all not / not all
The predicate is / do is / does is / does is / does is / does are / do "put away
The module of complex Z is a circle with (- 3,0) as its center and 2 as its radius. What figure does w = 3iz represent
Wrong number. Z-module is centered on (0, - 3)
Let z = a + bi, because the module of complex Z is a circle with (0, - 3) as the center and 2 as the radius, so | a + (B + 3) I | = 2A ^ 2 + (B + 3) ^ 2 = 4, let w = x + Yi, because w = 3iz = 3I (a + bi) x + Yi = - 3B + 3aix = - 3By = 3A, so a = Y / 3, B = - X / 3 is substituted into a ^ 2 + (B + 3) ^ 2 = 4, and (X-9) ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 36, so w = 3iz is represented by (9
How many kinds of singular or plural? This kind of singular or plural?
How many kinds of + complex
This kind of + singular
If the equation x + (5 + I) x + 4 + pi = 0 (P belongs to c) has a real root, find the root of the sum equation of P
X + (5 + I) x + 4 + pi = 0 has real roots
Ψ x is a real number
6 x + 4 = 0 and X + P = 0
What kinds of and what kind of, followed by the singular or plural noun?
What kind of a person is he?(the answer is expected to be in the singular.)
What kind of people are they?(the answer is expected to be in the singular.)
What kind of dessert would you like?(the answer is expected to be in the singular.)
What kind of a teacher are you?(the answer is expected to be in the singular.)
How many different kinds of dessert are there?(several,the answer is in the plural)
How many different kinds of teacher are there?
All the above are correct usage of the word kind/kinds.
I hope this helps.
A plural question
If the argument π / 4 of complex Z1 and Z & # 178; conjugate-2 / Z1 are real numbers,
(1) Find the complex Z;
(2) | Z | = 2| Z2 |, and arg2 = arg1 + π / 2, find the complex Z2;
If the argument of complex Z1 is π / 4, and Z1 & # 178; conjugate-2 / Z1 is a real number,
(1) Find the complex number Z1;
(2) | Z1 | = 2 | Z2 |, and arg2 = arg1 + π / 2, find the complex Z2;
Let Z1 = R (COS π / 4 + isin π / 4), R > 0
Z & # 178; 1 conjugate = - R & # 178; I
Ψ Z1 & # 178; conjugate-2 / Z1
What kind of is followed by the singular or plural of a noun
Both the singular and the plural are OK. Use the singular a little more
what kind of transportation means do you like?
what kinds of food do you want?
what kinds of books are the most popular recently?
Think of a question about the plural
Given that the complex Z satisfies Z + (3 + 4I) = - 1-2i, then what is the value of the conjugate complex of Z times Z? You'd better tell me the process, thank you
Then, z = - 1-2i-3-4i = - 4-6i
The conjugate complex number of Z is - 4 + 6I
The value of the conjugate complex of Z times Z is: