First, find out the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 8 and 10 Multiply 8 and 10 Multiply their greatest common factor and least common multiple. What's your conclusion?

First, find out the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 8 and 10 Multiply 8 and 10 Multiply their greatest common factor and least common multiple. What's your conclusion?

The greatest common factor of 8 and 10 is 2
The least common multiple of 8 and 10 is 40
The product of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two numbers = the product of two numbers
8 and 10 greatest common factor and least common multiple
2 and 40
Is the meaning of multiplication in complex field the same as that in real field?
It's the same
The commutative law, the associative law and the distributive law of multiplication for addition are suitable for multiplication in complex number field and multiplication in real number field. In this sense, they are the same
Given that a, B ∈ R, I is an imaginary unit, if (a + I) (1 + I) = Bi, then what is the conjugate complex of complex z = a + bi? Specifically, how to find out the values of a and B and what method to use
Because (a + I) (1 + I) = Bi,
So A-1 + (a + 1) I = Bi,
The solution is a = 1, B = 2,
So a + bi = 1 + 2I
So the answer is: 1 + 2I
I hope it can help you. If you are satisfied, please accept it in time,
Your adoption is the driving force of my answer!
Plural questions, like college entrance examination questions,
Complex ((3 + 2 I) / (2 minus 3I)) minus ((3 minus 2I) / (2 plus 3I))
I have calculated this question several times, but the sign is wrong. I calculated 2I, but the answer is negative 2I
I don't know why the answer is - 2I. I support you and stick to yourself. Let others say it (if the answer has a process, please tell me, I'm very confused.)
A plural problem in Senior Two
There are four propositions about the equation x square + PX + q = 0 of X
1. If the equation has real roots, then p-square-4q ≥ 0
2. If Z is an imaginary root of the equation, then the conjugate complex of Z is another root of the equation
3. If the equation has two real roots, then p and Q are not imaginary numbers
4. If P and Q are imaginary numbers, then both of the equations are imaginary roots
What's wrong with 1,2,4 Tat
I think that when the quadratic equation with real coefficients has real roots, there is a discriminant > = 0
If the coefficient is imaginary, it may not be true,
So if P and Q are imaginary numbers, we can't use discriminant to determine whether there are real roots
2 and 4 are the same
For reference
p. Q may be an imaginary number
If inequality 3x2 + 2x + 2x2 + X + 1 ≥ m holds for any real number x, the value of natural number m is obtained
The inequality 3x2 + 2x + 2x2 + X + 1 ≥ m holds for any real number x, which is equivalent to (M-3) x2 + (m-2) x + m-2 ≤ 0 for any real number X. when m = 3, x + 1 ≤ 0, х x ≤ - 1, does not satisfy the meaning of the problem; when m ≠ 3, m − 3 < 0 (m − 2) 2 − 4 (m − 3) (m − 2) ≤ 0, х m ≤ 2, х the value of natural number m is 0, 1, 2
A question of senior two, plural
Calculation: (2 + 7I) - 3 + 4I + 5-12i + 3-4i =?
(2 + 7I) - radical (3 square + 4 square) + radical (5 square + 12 square) + 3-4i = 2 + 7i-5 + 13 + 3-4i = 13 + 3I
Is clothes a countable noun or an uncountable noun? Is the word itself plural
This word is a mess for me. I can't understand it all the time!
Clothes is a collective noun, itself is plural, a piece of clothing can be said to be clothes, two pieces of clothing can also be said to be clothes, it can be regarded as cloth (cloth / cloth) plus es, because clothes are made of cloth piece by piece
It's a countable noun. It's a negative number
Given the complex number Z1 = (m ^ - 2m + 3) - MI, Z2 = 2m + (m ^ + m-1) I, where m belongs to R. question: (1) if Z1 and Z2 are conjugate complex numbers, find the value of real number M. (2) find the minimum value of | Z1 + Z2 |
(the sign ^ means square.)
(1) From Z1 and Z2 are conjugate complex numbers, so m * 2-2m + 3 = 2m, - M = - (m * 2 + m-1), M = 1 (2) Z1 + Z2 = (m * 2 + 2) + (m * 2-1) I, so the minimum value of ‖ Z1 + Z2 ‖ is 10 under the root sign
The results of solving equations
When m = 0, | Z1 + Z2 | is the smallest