Mathematics problems of common factor and maximum common factor Cut a 30 cm long, 24 cm wide rectangular piece of paper into a square of the same size, and there is no surplus. The square should be as large as possible. How many centimeters is the side length of the cut square? How many squares can be cut into?

Mathematics problems of common factor and maximum common factor Cut a 30 cm long, 24 cm wide rectangular piece of paper into a square of the same size, and there is no surplus. The square should be as large as possible. How many centimeters is the side length of the cut square? How many squares can be cut into?

Answer: the greatest common factor of 30 and 24 is 6
Answer: the side length of the cut square is 6cm, which can be cut into 20 such squares
Note: don't forget to write the above line!
A △ B = C (a, B, C are natural numbers), the minimum common factor of a and B is (), and the maximum common factor is ()
Why do you all say B? Our teacher said it was c
Fill in the blanks of mathematics in Volume 2 of grade 5: a △ B = C (a, B, C are natural numbers), the minimum common factor of a and B is (1), and the maximum common factor is (b)
~O(∩_ ∩)O
A △ B = C (a, B, C are natural numbers), the minimum common factor of a and B is (1), and the maximum common factor is (b).
a. The minimum common factor of B is (b), the maximum common multiple (a), and the minimum common factor is (1),
The least common factor is 1 and the greatest common factor is B.
The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 3
The least common factor is 1 and the greatest common factor is B.
The use of collective nouns
1.The class has elected its leader.
The class elected its monitor
2.The class are interested in his lecture.
All the students in the class are interested in his lecture
1.My family has agreed to take a trip during the holiday.
Our family agreed to travel on holiday
2.My family are not in agreement on where to go.
Our family have different opinions about where to go
Why is the second sentence be in the plural of each sample sentence and the noun in front of it not in the plural?
Class means an individual: a student in a class
The whole: a class
Famliy means individual: family
The whole: one family
Because the whole is the third person singular, the verb should use the third person singular; and the second sentence of each example is to express the meaning of the individual, so the plural
Given the complex number Z = 2 − 2i1 + I, then the conjugate complex number of Z is equal to ()
A. 2iB. -2iC. iD. -i
∵ complex z = 2 − 2i1 + I = (2 − 2I) (1 − I) (1 + I) (1 − I) = − 4i2 = - 2I, ∵ the conjugate complex of complex Z is equal to 2I, so a is selected
Change the following nouns into plural
watch tomato potato plane fish deer hero radio piano family child mouse bus foot tooth Chinese German American knife wife Englishman
watches tomatoes potatoes planes fish deer heroes radios pianos families children mice buses feet teeth Chinese Germen Americans knife wives Englishmen
Not becoming prototypical or uncountable
I don't know if it's right, but I can learn from it
A + I / 1 + I is a pure imaginary number, where I is an imaginary unit, then the value of real number a is
A.-1 B.1 C.-2 D.2
From the meaning of the title, (a + I) / (1 + I) = ki
So a = - K, k = 1
Choose a
Change the following nouns into plural. By the way, let's talk about the law of change
desk fork boy table ticke tourist friend cupboard dress boss bus glass watch match dish fish box fox knife wife leaf shelf family baby man woman policeman policewoman milkman postman child foot
desks forks boys tables tickets tourists friends cupboards dresses bosses buses glasses watches matches dishes fishes boxes foxes knife -knives wife -wives leaf-leaves shelf-shelves family - families ...
Satisfying the condition | Z-I | = | 3 + 4I | the locus of the corresponding point of complex Z on the complex plane is ()
A. One straight line B. two straight lines C. circle D. ellipse
|3 + 4I | = 5 satisfies the condition | Z-I | = | 3 + 4I | = 5. The locus of the corresponding point of complex Z on the complex plane is a circle with the center of circle (0,1) and radius of 5. Therefore, C should be chosen
Which English plural nouns are the same as the original
Find a complex number so that the complex number and its square are conjugate complex numbers
Let the complex number be z = a + bi, Z square = A-B + 2abi = a-bi, then there are two equations A-B = A and 2Ab = - B. the solution of a is - 0.5 and B is the root of 2