5 10 15 greatest common factor least common multiple

5 10 15 greatest common factor least common multiple

5 10 15 the greatest common factor is 5
5 10 15 least common multiple 30
This is his pencil box?
These are their pencil- boxes .
These are their pencil-boxes
These are his pencil-boxes.
If the complex Z satisfies Z-1 = 1, what is the range of Z + 2-I?
I don't understand it at all
Please explain in detail
Z-1 = 1 means that z is on the circle with (1,0) as the center and 1 as the radius
Z + 2-I = | Z - (- 2 + I) | denotes the distance from a point on a circle to (- 2,1),
Its maximum value = √ [(1 + 2) ^ 2 + 1] + 1 = 1 + √ 10
Minimum = √ [(1 + 2) ^ 2 + 1] - 1 = √ 10 - 1
So the range is [1 + √ 10, √ 10 - 1]
Radical 10-1 < Z + 2-I < radical 10-1
That box is his plural sentence
these boxes are their
If a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = 4, z = a + (B + 2) I, find the value range of | Z |
What coat is it,
Whose coats are these?
Whose coats are those?
What coats are they
whose coats are they?
Whose coats are they?
Our team will answer for you.
Whose coats are they?
whose coats are they?
whose coats are they
Given that z is a complex number, the modulus of Z minus 2 minus 2I is equal to one, and I is an imaginary unit, what is the minimum value of the modulus of Z plus 2 minus 2I
|If z-2-2i | = 1, Z can be regarded as the radius of a circle. If the center of the circle is (2,2), then | Z + 2-2i | can be regarded as the distance from the point (- 2,2) to the circle. The ordinate of the point and the center of the circle is exactly the same. Therefore, the minimum value of | Z + 2-2i | is the distance 4 between the point and the center of the circle minus the radius 1 = 3
Let z = a + bi, then
Then 0 ≤| A-2 | ≤ 1, 0 ≤| B-2 | ≤ 1
The minimum value of the modulus of Z plus 2 minus 2I is √ 5
It can be seen from | Z - (2 + 2I) | = 1 that on the complex plane, the set of points corresponding to complex Z is a circle with radius 1 and point P (2,2) as the center. The meaning of | Z + 2-2i | = | Z - (- 2 + 2I) | is the distance from the point on the circle to Q (- 2,2). It is easy to know that | PQ | = 4. The combination of number and shape shows that | Z + 2-2i | min = 4-1 = 3
Twice as much as two minus one
It's a pencil box
They are pencil boxes.
They are pencil boxes.
ey are pencil boxes.
In the plural?
there are pencil boxes 。
There are pencil boxes
They are pencil-boxes.
If the complex Z satisfies Z minus Z at the same time, the conjugate complex of Z is equal to 2I, and the conjugate complex of Z is equal to iz
Conjugate of Z = a-bi
The conjugate complex of Z minus Z is equal to 2I
(a+bi)-(a-bi)=2bi=2i b=1
Conjugate of Z = A-I = (a + I) * I = - 1 + AI
That is a box
Those are boxes.
They are boxes.
Those are boxes.
what are these in english?
These is boxes.