It is known that the sum of two natural numbers is 54, and the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 114

It is known that the sum of two natural numbers is 54, and the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 114

Let two natural numbers be x and y, then x = AB, y = CB, and it can be seen from the question that a, B, C are all positive integers, then AB + CB = 54 = B (a + C) = 2 × 3 × 9, abc-b = 114 = B (ac-1) = 2 × 3 × 19, because a, B, C are all positive integers, so B may be 2 or 3 or 6. After the test, B is 2 or 3, a, C has no positive integer solution. So B can only be 6, so a = 4, C = 5. So x = AB = 24 & nbsp; & nbsp; Y = CB = 30. A: the two numbers are 24 and 30 respectively
It is known that the sum of two natural numbers is 54, and the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 114
Let two natural numbers be x and y, then x = AB, y = CB, and it can be seen from the question that a, B, C are all positive integers, then AB + CB = 54 = B (a + C) = 2 × 3 × 9, abc-b = 114 = B (ac-1) = 2 × 3 × 19, because a, B, C are all positive integers, so B may be 2 or 3 or 6. After the test, B is 2 or 3, a, C has no positive integer solution. So B can only be 6, so a = 4, C = 5. So x = AB = 24 & nbsp; & nbsp; Y = CB = 30. A: the two numbers are 24 and 30 respectively
It is known that the sum of two natural numbers is 54, and the difference between the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor is 114
Let two natural numbers be x and y, then x = AB, y = CB, and a, B, C are all positive integers, then AB + CB = 54 = B (a + C) = 2 × 3 × 9, abc-b = 114 = B (ac-1) = 2 × 3 × 19, because a, B, C are all positive integers, so B may be 2 or 3 or 6
The greatest common divisor of numbers a and B is 12, the least common multiple is 180, the number a is 60, and what is the number B? (how to calculate)
B = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36
The number B is 12 × 180 △ 60 = 36
The difference between a and B is 24, their greatest common factor is 12, and their least common multiple is 180. What are the numbers a and B?
Let one be x and the other be x + 24
X + 24 is divisible by 12, and X (x + 24) is divisible by 180
So x (x + 24) > = 180 and X must be a multiple of 12
When x = 12, X (x + 24) = 432
When x = 24, X (x + 24) = 1152
When x = 36, X (x + 24) = 2160 is consistent with
So it's 36 and 60
The greatest common divisor of 36 sum a is 12, and the least common multiple is 144______ .
144 △ 36 = 44 × 12 = 48 answer: the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers is 12 and the least common multiple is 144. One of them is 36 and the other a is 48
The maximum common divisor of a and B is 12, and the minimum common multiple is 420
Let a = 12M, B = 12n (m, n coprime), then the least common multiple of a and B = 12mn = 420, Mn = 35, then M = 1, n = 35 or M = 5, n = 7, so a and B are equal to 12 and 420 or 60 and 84
60 .84
Let a = 12M, B = 12n (m, n coprime)
Then the least common multiple of a and B = 12mn = 420
Then M = 1, n = 35 or M = 5, n = 7
So a and B are equal to 12 and 420 or 60 and 84
12 and 35
Let a = 12x, B = 12Y (x, y coprime)
Then the least common multiple of a and B = 12xy = 420
Then x = 1, y = 35 or x = 5, y = 7
So a and B are equal to 12 and 420 or 60 and 84
That means they have about five and seven
They were 60 and 84, respectively
The greatest common divisor of a and B is 15 and the least common multiple is 180. The known number a is 45 and the number B is 180
Product of two numbers = greatest common divisor * least common multiple = 15 * 180
B = 15 * 180 / 45 = 60
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 12, and the least common multiple is 60. The product of these two numbers is___ .
12 = 2 × 2 × 3, 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5, one number is: 2 × 3 × 3 = 12, the other number is: 2 × 3 × 5 × 2 = 60, the product of these two numbers is: 12 × 60 = 720
The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 12, and the least common multiple is 60. These two numbers are () and ()
The greatest common factor of 32 and 50 is () and the least common multiple is ()
The number a is half of the number B, the least common multiple of a and B is 54, the number a is () and the number B is ()
In natural numbers 1-100, there are () multiples of 7
If a number is both a multiple and a factor of 16, then the number is ()
The maximum factor of a number is 36, and it has () factors. If you decompose it, the prime factor is ()
The greatest common factor of a and B is 3, and the least common multiple is 30. If a is known to be 6, then B is ()
Divide a 3-meter-long rope into 8 parts, each of which is () meters long
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 12, the least common multiple is 60, these two numbers are (12) and (60) respectively, the greatest common factor of 32 and 50 is (2) the least common multiple is (800), the number a is one half of the number B, the least common multiple of a and B is 54, the number a is (27), the number B is (54)
If a number is both a multiple and a factor of 16, then the number is (16)
three point one four
four point one six
5.9. 2*2*3*3
six point one five
7. One eighth, three eighths