According to the number of factors, natural numbers are divided into (). A. odd numbers and even numbers B. prime numbers and composite numbers C. prime numbers. Even numbers 0 and 1

According to the number of factors, natural numbers are divided into (). A. odd numbers and even numbers B. prime numbers and composite numbers C. prime numbers. Even numbers 0 and 1

Natural numbers are divided into three categories according to the number of factors. 1. Those with only 1 and its own two factors are called prime numbers. 2. Those with other factors besides 1 and itself are called composite numbers. 3. Those with only 1 factor, that is, 1 and 1 are neither prime numbers nor composite numbers. Therefore, choose C
Choose C
According to the number of factors, natural numbers can be divided into? A, odd and even B, prime and composite C, prime, composite, 0 and 1
Choose C
Prime: the factor has only one and itself
Sum: in addition to 1 and itself, there are other factors
0: no factor
1: The factor is only itself
It should be a.
All nonzero natural numbers are divided by the number of divisors ()
A. Prime and composite B. odd and even C. prime, composite and 1D
According to the number of divisors, all natural numbers can be divided into three categories: ① those with one factor, i.e. 1; ② those with two factors, i.e. prime numbers; ③ those with three or more factors, i.e. composite numbers
(1) Natural numbers can be divided into () a odd and even B prime and composite C even and composite D prime, composite and 1
(1) Natural numbers can be divided into () a odd number and even number B prime number and composite number C even number and composite number d prime number, composite number and 1 (2) number a can be divisible by 3, () by 9; number a can be divisible by 9, () by 3. A must be divisible by B, not necessarily by C
2)B A
1、D 2、BA
Odd prime combined with even packets excluding fractions and percentages
Even numbers are integers
Fractions, decimals and percentages are decimals
The formula of multiplication with exponential power?
Multiply by the same exponential power, keep the base constant, and add exponentially
Multiply by the power of the same exponent, keep the exponent unchanged, and multiply by the base
Multiply by the power of the same exponent, keep the exponent unchanged, and multiply by the base
The formula of multiplication with exponential power: A ^ MXB ^ m = (AB) ^ m (a > 0, b > 0, m ∈ R)
If two binomials are multiplied, the number of terms in the product must be ()
D. All of them are possible
D. All of them are possible
(x+y)(m+n )=xm+xn+ym+yn
In the integral operation, the number of terms obtained by combining the terms of the same kind can be______ Or______ Or______ .
(1) (x-1) (x + 1) = x2-1, total two terms; (2) (x + 5) (x + 4) = x2 + 9x + 20, total three terms; (3) (x + y) (a + b) = XA + Ya + XB + Yb, total four terms
In general, how many terms should the product of multiplication of two binomials be? Why is there only two terms in the form of product of square difference formula?
In general, the product of multiplication of two binomials should be a quaternion
Because the middle two terms (AB and - AB) in the square difference formula are opposite to each other, they are eliminated
In the integral operation, the number of terms obtained by combining the terms of the same kind can be______ Or______ Or______ .
(1) (x-1) (x + 1) = x2-1, total two terms; (2) (x + 5) (x + 4) = x2 + 9x + 20, total three terms; (3) (x + y) (a + b) = XA + Ya + XB + Yb, total four terms