There is a number a, known that the greatest common divisor of a number and 48 is 12, the least common multiple is 240, find a number Write down what you think, and the equation

There is a number a, known that the greatest common divisor of a number and 48 is 12, the least common multiple is 240, find a number Write down what you think, and the equation

The product of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two natural numbers is equal to the product of the two natural numbers
It's very detailed here. You can go and have a look
The least common multiple of two numbers is 240, and the greatest common divisor is 20
20*3=60 20*4=80
60*4=240 80*3=240
The greatest common divisor of the two numbers is 12, the least common multiple is 240, and the sum of the two numbers is 108
108 divided by 12 is 9, which means that two numbers divided by 12 are added to get 9
240 divided by 20 of 12 means that two numbers divided by 12 are multiplied by 20
Let two numbers divided by 12 be x and Y respectively
Then x + y = 9
X x Y=20
The solution is x = 4, y = 5
So the two numbers are 12x4 = 48 and 12x5 = 60
That is 48 and 60 respectively
If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is 3 and the least common multiple is 60, what are the two numbers?
If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is 3 and the least common multiple is 60, what are the two numbers
60 and 3
Two two digit numbers. Their greatest common divisor is 9 and their least common multiple is 360. What are the two two digit numbers?
40 can be equal to 5 × 8
One of the numbers can be: 9 × 5 = 45
Another factor can be: 9 × 8 = 72
The sum of these two numbers can be: 45 + 72 = 117
If you don't understand, please ask
Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 9, the least common multiple is 360, these two two digit numbers are______ And______ .
360 △ 9 = 40, 40 means that the product of two coprime numbers is 40 = 5 × 8, so the two two digits are: 5 × 9 = 45, 8 × 9 = 72; so the answer is: 45, 72
Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 9, the least common multiple is 360, these two two digit numbers are______ And______ .
360 △ 9 = 40, 40 means that the product of two coprime numbers is 40 = 5 × 8, so the two two digits are: 5 × 9 = 45, 8 × 9 = 72; so the answer is: 45, 72
Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 9, the least common multiple is 360, these two two digit numbers are______ And______ .
360 △ 9 = 40, 40 means that the product of two coprime numbers is 40 = 5 × 8, so the two two digits are: 5 × 9 = 45, 8 × 9 = 72; so the answer is: 45, 72
Two two digit numbers, their greatest common divisor is 9, the least common multiple is 360, these two two digit numbers are______ And______ .
360 △ 9 = 40, 40 means that the product of two coprime numbers is 40 = 5 × 8, so the two two digits are: 5 × 9 = 45, 8 × 9 = 72; so the answer is: 45, 72
What is the formula for finding the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two numbers?
What do you mean to decompose the prime factor? How to decompose it
An example is given below
Finding the greatest common divisor of 210 and 66
210 divided by 66, regardless of the quotient, only consider the remainder
If the remainder is 12 and there is no integer division, continue
66 divided by 12, regardless of the quotient, only consider the remainder
If the remainder is 6 and there is no integer division, continue
12 divided by 6
So the greatest common divisor of 210 and 66 is 6
The least common multiple is the multiplication of two numbers and then divided by the greatest common divisor
Decomposing prime factor is to express a composite number in the form of prime factor multiplication
I didn't learn math well in primary school...
It can be divided by rotation
For example, find the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of 60 and 48
Divide 60 48 by 2 (in principle, prime)
Divide 30 by 24
Divide 15 by 12
5 4
Divide until there is no common divisor
At this time, the product of the group of numbers on the right is the greatest common divisor 12
The product of the right and bottom numbers is the least common multiple 240... Expansion
I didn't learn math well in primary school...
It can be divided by rotation
For example, find the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of 60 and 48
Divide 60 48 by 2 (in principle, prime)
Divide 30 by 24
Divide 15 by 12
5 4
Divide until there is no common divisor
At this time, the product of the group of numbers on the right is the greatest common divisor 12
The product of the right and bottom numbers is the least common multiple