The greatest common divisor of 8 and 24 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

The greatest common divisor of 8 and 24 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

24 = 8 × 3, 24 > 8, so the greatest common divisor of 8 and 24 is 8, and the least common multiple is 24
What are the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 24 and 25
The greatest common factor is 600 and the least common multiple is 1
1. The least common multiple of two prime numbers is 91, and the sum of these two prime numbers is ()
Is chocolate plural as like as two peas?
She bought a box of chocolates at the corner store
If the least common multiple of two primes is 91, what are the two
The common multiple of 7 and 13 is 91
Does chocolate have a plural
Chocolate has a plural number, and the plural number is chocolate
There is a plural. chocolates
a bar of chocolate
A piece of chocolate
A box of chocolates?
What is the product of two different prime numbers? It has several factors
The product of two different prime numbers is a composite number. It has four factors
Plural of chocolate
Plus s
Chocolate is uncountable
The product of two prime numbers must not be a number
Odd number
Prime number
Total number
even numbers
It's not prime
Which plural words ending in F add s directly
Some of the direct addition s ending with f or Fe are listed
When a noun ending in f or Fe becomes plural:
a. Add s, such as: belief --- beliefs roof --- roof
safe---safes gulf---gulfs;
b. To F, Fe and ves, for example: half --- halves
knife---knives leaf---leaves wolf---wolves
wife---wives life---lives thief---thieves;
c. Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief: Handkerchief
handkerchiefs / handkerchieves
There are five commonly used, remember enough to use
Safe -- safe
Gulf -- Gulf, Gulf
Roof -- roofs
Cliff -- cliffs
Handkerchief -- handkerchief, handkerchief