I am the product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number. Who am I?

I am the product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number. Who am I?

According to the meaning of prime number and composite number, the smallest prime number is 2, and the smallest composite number is 4. Then their product is 2 × 4 = 8
What is the product of the smallest prime number and the largest composite number within 10?
The minimum prime is 2 and the maximum sum is 9
SO 2 times 9 = 18
Is the 76th power of 3 minus 1 prime or composite
The sum number is an odd number because the 76th power of 3 minus 1 is an even number and belongs to a composite number
That's the total, of course
Sum, 3 * 3 = 9, 9 * 3 = 27, 27 * 3 = 81, 81 * 3 = 243... From the mantissa, we can see that any power of 3 is odd, minus 1 becomes even, so it is a sum
3 is the cardinal number, 76 is the even number,
So as long as it's to the even power of 3, the end is odd. Suppose the ending number is 3
Odd minus one is even, minus one is 2
So at the end is an even number, and this number is a composite number,
Is a composite number, because the 76th power of 3 is odd, minus 1 is even, so it is a composite number
Is the 67th power of 2 minus 1 a prime number?
The United States mathematician Kohler proved that 2 ^ 67-1 = 193707721 * 761838257287 is a composite number. Prime number is in all integers larger than 1, except 1 and itself, there is no other divisor. This kind of integer is called prime number or prime number. It can also be said that prime number has only 1 and its two divisors
Is the 98th power of 2 plus 1 prime or composite?
The final number is 5
The power of 2, the number of 2,4,8,1 cycle
The 98th power of 2 is 4
After adding 1, the number is 5
It's a multiple of 5, so it's a composite number_ Thank you
Is - 1 to the 11th power of 2 prime or composite
Millennium puzzle (I'm not his uncle's question!) Hee hee
2 to the 11th power - 1 = 2047 = 23 × 89
Total number
The 11th power of 2-1 = 2048-1 = 2047 = 23 × 89
So it's a sum. Question: what about the 101st power of 2-1
To judge whether the 99th power + 2 of 7 is prime or composite, please explain the reason
It's coming this week
It's a sum
It can be considered from the remainder of 5
7 mod 5=2
So the remainder of 7 ^ 99 + 2 divided by 5 is equal to the remainder of 2 ^ 99 + 2 divided by 5
The remainder of 2 divided by 5 is 1
The remainder of 2 divided by 5 is 2
The remainder of 2 divided by 5 is 4
The remainder of 2 divided by 5 is 3
The remainder of 2 divided by 5 is 1
Here's the rule
The remainder of n (n mod 4 = 0,1,2,3) power of 2 divided by 5 is m (M = 1,2,4,3)
SO 2 ^ 99 Mod 5 = 3
SO 2 ^ 99 + 2 Mod 5 = 0
So the original formula is a multiple of 5
Just look at the mantissa.
The first power mantissa of 7 7 (7)
The square mantissa of 7 is 9 (7x7 = 49, i.e. mantissa is 3)
The third power mantissa of 7 is 3 (9x7 = 63, i.e. mantissa is 3)
The fourth power mantissa of 7 is 1 (3x7 = 21, i.e. mantissa is 1)
Once every 4 times.
So the 100th power mantissa of 7 is 1
The 99th power mantissa of 7 is 3
The mantissa of the number is 5. So it must be a composite number.
By the way, please let me know
Just look at the mantissa.
The first power mantissa of 7 7 (7)
The square mantissa of 7 is 9 (7x7 = 49, i.e. mantissa is 3)
The third power mantissa of 7 is 3 (9x7 = 63, i.e. mantissa is 3)
The fourth power mantissa of 7 is 1 (3x7 = 21, i.e. mantissa is 1)
Once every 4 times.
So the 100th power mantissa of 7 is 1
The 99th power mantissa of 7 is 3
The mantissa of the number is 5. So it must be a composite number.
By the way, how to judge if 7 ^ 99 + 6? Put it away
I don't know
The smallest natural number is______ The smallest odd number is______ The smallest prime number is______ The smallest sum is______ .
The minimum natural number is 0, the minimum odd number is 1, the minimum prime number is 2, and the minimum composite number is 4. So the answer is: 0; 1; 2; 4
1. The product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number, plus the smallest natural number, and the sum is ()
2. When Master Wang assembles a TV set, the work efficiency is 1% higher than before, so the time is less than before ()
1. The product of the smallest prime number and the smallest composite number, plus the smallest natural number, and the sum is (8)
2. When Master Wang assembles a TV set, the work efficiency is 1% higher than before, and the time is 0.99% less than before
A. prime and composite B. odd and even C. positive and negative
Choose B
Because 1 in a is neither prime nor composite
C contains fractions, irrational numbers, etc
Natural numbers have zero in addition to positive and negative numbers
Besides prime and composite, there is 1 (the smallest prime is 2 instead of 1)
Choose a
B is an integer. What is it made of
What does C consist of when it is a non-zero integer
Natural numbers are composed of (B. odd and even numbers).