The greatest common factor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 42. These two numbers are () and () or () and () or () and () or () or () and () or () and () or () and ()

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 42. These two numbers are () and () or () and () or () and () or () or () and () or () and () or () and ()

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 42. These two numbers are (1) and (42) or (6) and (7) or (2) and (21) or (14) and (3)
I'm a man teacher
We are men teachers.
we are male teachers
We are men teachers.
When man woman becomes plural, both words become plural
For example: man doctors --- men doctors
It's my box, mine is new
The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common factor is 30. One of them is 90 and the other is 30______ .
180 △ 90 = 230 × 2 = 60 answer: the other number is 60, so the answer is: 60
Man teacher becomes plural, man is modifier, why become men teachers
Some things are stipulated. You should remember them
for example
men teachers
women teachers
boy students
girl students
1. When a noun modifies a noun as an attributive and the phrase becomes plural, it is generally only necessary to change the modified noun into plural.
For example: two banana trees; three boy students
2. However, when the modifier is man / woman, its plural form requires both nouns to be plural.
For example: four men teachers; five women nurses
The problem of the landlord is of this kind.
3. In addition: expand
1. When a noun modifies a noun as an attributive and the phrase becomes plural, it is generally only necessary to change the modified noun into plural.
For example: two banana trees; three boy students
2. However, when the modifier is man / woman, its plural form requires both nouns to be plural.
For example: four men teachers; five women nurses
The problem of the landlord is of this kind.
3. In addition, when some nouns are used as attributives, whether the phrase is plural or not, it is a fixed requirement to use the plural.
E.g. sports meeting
Men and women are two special words. When they are used as noun modifiers, only these two words need to be changed
The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common factor is 30. One of them is 90 and the other is 30______ .
180 △ 90 = 230 × 2 = 60 answer: the other number is 60, so the answer is: 60
He is an English teacher
They are English teachers.
The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common factor is 30. One of them is 90 and the other is 30______ .
180 △ 90 = 230 × 2 = 60 answer: the other number is 60, so the answer is: 60
How can English German woman teacher be plural?
Englishmen Germans women-teachers
The least common multiple of two numbers is 180 and the greatest common factor is 30. One of them is 90 and the other is 30______ .
180 △ 90 = 230 × 2 = 60 answer: the other number is 60, so the answer is: 60
What are the plural and singular of woman women
Odd number: Woman
Plural: Women
Woman is the plural of woman, conversely, woman is the singular of woman
The plural of woman is women
Hurry to delete the winning information. I saw it all. I fainted. Is it true or false
Odd woman