The least common multiple of two natural numbers is 144, and one of them has 6 divisors and the other has 15 divisors. What are the two numbers?

The least common multiple of two natural numbers is 144, and one of them has 6 divisors and the other has 15 divisors. What are the two numbers?

144 decomposition
So the divisors of 144 are: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,16,18,24,36,48,72144, a total of 15
One of the two numbers is 144,
The least common multiple of two natural numbers is 144, and the other is smaller than 144 and should be one of its 15 divisors. By decomposing these divisors, we can get that the divisors of 12 are 1,2,3,4,6,12; the divisors of 18 are 1,2,3,6,9,18, which are in accordance with the conditions
So these two numbers are 144 and 12 or 144 and 18
The first volume of the seventh grade is the glossary of English books published by people's education press,
If a and B are natural numbers and a △ B = 5, then the least common multiple of a and B is () and 5 is a divisor of ()?
Then the least common multiple of a and B is (a), and 5 is a divisor of (a)
Vocabulary of English unit 7
I didn't bring the book, the 2012 edition,
How much
2. Pants (pl.)
3. Sock socks n
4. Men's shirt
5. T-shirt n
6. Shorts n
7. Sweater n
8. Shoe n
9. Skirt skirt n
Sale n
11. Dollar (the monetary unit of the United States, Canada, etc., with the symbol of $)
12. Color; color n
Black adj. & n
14. White adj. & n
15. Red adj. & n
16. Green adj. & n
17. Blue adj. & n
18. Yellow adj. & n
Large adj
Small adj
Short adj
Long adj
Clerk (bank, office, store, etc.); clerk n
Help v
Want v
Here you are
27. Welcome adj
You're welcome
Example n
30.ten ten num
31. Eleven
32. Twelve
33. Thirteen XIII
34. Fourteen
35. Fifteen
36. Sixteen 16
37. Seventeen
38. Eighteen
Nineteen 19
40. Twenty
41. Thirty
Clothes clothes
43. Store store n
Come to v
Buy v
46. Very; very; very adv
47. Price n
48. Each pron
49. Anybody anyone pron
I can afford it
51. Our pron
52. See v
53. Yourself (reflexive pronoun) pron
54. Mr. (address before man's surname or name)
Sell v
From; from Start prep
57. Zig zag refers to clothing store name
Have a look
On sale
I'm sorry; sorry; sad adj
61. Lisa
It is known that the difference between the product and sum of two natural numbers is exactly equal to the sum of their greatest divisor and least common multiple
4 and 6, respectively,
Let two numbers be a * B & A * C after factoring the prime factor, then the greatest common divisor is a and the least common multiple is ABC,
According to the question: ab * AC - (AB + AC) = a + ABC, ABC = (B + 1) (c + 1)
Move BC to the right of the equation to get the fraction (B + 1) (c + 1) / BC,
Because a is a natural number (and must be prime), BC must be divisible by (B + 1) (c + 1), and B and C are obtained by decomposing prime factors, so they are also prime numbers
So let (B + 1) (c + 1) = 2BC, that is, a = 2,
The results show that B + C = BC-1, square of both sides, 4bc = (1 + b) (1 + C) (1-B) (1-C),
Divide the polynomial by (B + 1) (c + 1) = 2BC to get (B-1) (C-1) = 2,
Because B and C are natural numbers, B-1 = 1, C-1 = 2 (B-1 = 2, C-1 = 1, all the same, this is a rotation),
Therefore, if B = 2 and C = 3, then the two numbers are 4 and 6 respectively
Vocabulary of English unit 4 (New)
wherewhere's=where istablebeddresserbookcasesofachairdiawerplantundertheythey're=they areondon't=do notknowbagmathalarmCDvideotapevideo tapehattakethingtomomcanbringsomeneedfloorroomTVdesktommysally
Yes, I agree with you
(2) The least common multiple of natural number B is 24, and its divisor is ()
(1) Divide 2,14,21,75,6100 into two groups equally to make the product of three numbers in each group equal. How to divide?
Instead, divide 12, 14, 21, 75100 into two groups equally, so that the product of three numbers in each group is equal. How to divide?
(2) Its divisors are: 24,12,8,6,4,3,2,1
(1) Break them down
You will find that 75 has 5 * 5100 and 5 * 5, other numbers have no 5 divisor, so they are divided into (1) (2) groups
In addition, there are 2 * 2 in 100 Li, while there are only 2 * 2 in 12 Li, 2 in 14 Li and 2 in 6 Li, so 12 points are in group (1)
At this time, there are two 3's in group (1), and group (2) has no divisor 3, and there are just two 3's in group (1). So, put 3 * 7, that is 21 and 2 * 3, that is 6 in group (2). At this time, you will find that group (2) has one more 2 and 7 than group (1), so put 2 * 7, that is 14 in group (1)
So it can be divided into 12,14,75 and 6,21100
2 14=2*7 21=3*7 6=2*3 100 =2*50 75=3*25
Natural number B and whose least common multiple
Vocabulary of unit 3 in English Preparation
In addition, 19 words of s English alphabet, 20 words of t English alphabet, 21 words of u English alphabet, 22 words of V English alphabet, w
Sister n
Mother n
Father n
Father or mother
5. Brother
6. Grandmother
7. Grandfather
8. Friend n
What is the least common multiple of 32 and 54______ The greatest common factor is______ .
32 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2, 54 = 2 × 3 × 3, so the least common multiple of 32 and 54 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 864, and the greatest common factor is 2
The connection of feed food
Feed = give food to sb / sthvt A meal for animals or infants
Feed gives food to others.
To feed; graze; supply; support (a family, etc.) Make a living
To eat; flow
n. A meal of (an animal or a baby)
Food is food. It's a noun.