The greatest divisor of a number is 78, which is______ Let's break it down. The prime factor is______ .

The greatest divisor of a number is 78, which is______ Let's break it down. The prime factor is______ .

Because the maximum factor and minimum multiple of a number are itself, the number is 7878 = 2 × 3 × 13, so the answer is: 78, 78 = 2 × 3 × 13
Change the following sentences to the plural
1.This is a black and grey shirt.
These are black and grey shirts
These are black and grey shirts.
Young people, listen to the class carefully!
These are black and grey shirts.
The maximum divisor and minimum multiple of a number are 36, and the prime factor is 36______ .
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, so the answer is: 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3
Change the following sentences into plural
He is a policeman.
He has a good friend.
what is that?
This is a tomato.
1 They are policemen.
2 They have good friends.
What are those
4 These are tomatoes.
I wish you a happy holiday! Refueling! Do not understand again! If help you, please adopt, thank you!
For you.
1、He is a policeman.
They are some policemen.
They are policemen.
2、He has a good friend.
They have some good friends.
They have some friends.
3、What is that?
... unfold
For you.
1、He is a policeman.
They are some policemen.
They are policemen.
2、He has a good friend.
They have some good friends.
They have some friends.
3、What is that?
What are those?
What are those?
4、This is a tomato.
These are some tomatoes.
These are tomatoes. Put it away
They are policemen.
They have good friends.
What are those?
These are tomatoes.
1 They are policemen.
2 They have good friends.
3 What are those ?
4 These are tomatoes.
The maximum divisor of a number is 104, the minimum multiplier is () and the prime factor is ()
The maximum divisor of a number is 104, the minimum multiple is (104), and the prime factor of decomposing the number is (104 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 13)
The maximum divisor of a number is itself, and the minimum multiple is itself! So the number is 104
Write the plural of the sentence
Is she your friend?
Are they your friends?
Yes, that's it
The factor of 18 is______ From which four numbers are selected to form a proportion______ .
The factors of 18 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18; 1:2 = 3:6; or 3:9 = 6:18; (the answer is not unique). So the answer is: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18; 1:2 = 3:6
Write the plural of the following sentences
this is my book.
is that your sister?
that is my baseball.
is this your friend?
what's this in english?
These are our books.
Are those your sisters?
Those are our baseballs.
Are those your friends?
What are these in English?
The factor of 18 is______ From which four numbers are selected to form a proportion______ .
The factors of 18 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18; 1:2 = 3:6; or 3:9 = 6:18; (the answer is not unique). So the answer is: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18; 1:2 = 3:6
Write the plural in the following sentences
1.This is my friend.
2.That is his parent.
3.Is she your sister?
________________ .
4.Is this a photo?
_________________ .
5.No,she isn't.
_______________ .
1.These are my friends.
2.Those are his parents.
3.Are they your sisters?
4.Are these photos?
5.No,they aren‘t.
1.They are my friends.
2.Those are their parents.
3.Are they your sisters.
4.Are these any photos.
5.No,they aren’t.
1.These are our(my ) friends. 2.Those are his parents.3.Are they your sisters? 4.Are these photos?
5.No,they aren't.
1.This are my friends.
2.That are his parents.
3.Is they your sisters?
4.Are this some photos?
5.No,they aren't。