The least common multiple of two natural numbers is 84, the greatest common factor is 7, and the large number is not a multiple of a decimal. How many are the two numbers?

The least common multiple of two natural numbers is 84, the greatest common factor is 7, and the large number is not a multiple of a decimal. How many are the two numbers?

So the large number is 2 × 2 × 7 = 28
The decimal is 3 × 7 = 21
21 , 28
21 14
So the large number is 2 × 2 × 7 = 28
The decimal is 3 × 7 = 21
28 and 21
Plural form of half
When a noun ending in y but with a consonant before y forms a plural, first remove y and then add ies
Baby, babies country, countries fly, flies
Lady, ladies
2. When a noun ending in y but with a vowel before y forms a plural, s is added directly
Donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys
Guy, guy
There are 12 nouns ending in f or Fe. When forming a plural, remove f or Fe and add ves
Calf half knife leaf life loaf of bread
half halves
knife knives
leaf leaves
There are two natural numbers, their least common multiple is 630, the greatest common divisor is 18, and the two numbers are not divisible. What are the two numbers______ .
630 △ 18 = 35, 35 = 1 × 35 = 5 × 7, because the two numbers can't divide each other, so the two natural numbers are 18 × 5 = 90, 18 × 7 = 126, so the answer is: 90126
C + + programming design of two overloaded functions, respectively, to find the remainder of the division of two integers and the remainder of the division of two real numbers
#include <iostream.h>class digital{ private:int m_ num; public:digital (int num=0){this->m_ num=num;}digital(){};int GetNum(){return m_ num;}digital operator + (digital x){digital y;y.m_ num=this...
Two natural numbers, their least common multiple is 630, the greatest common factor is 18, and the two numbers can't be divided by each other, these two numbers are
35 18
The physical meaning of Fourier transform of complex number
I emphasize the plural
Ylois's answer is reasonable. But I don't quite understand. Does complex quantity also have frequency? Is Fourier transform also spectrum?
There are many quantities in nature to be described by complex numbers. For example, plane wave vector contains two components, so it is relatively simple to describe them by complex numbers
In this way, when we need to carry out Fourier analysis of such quantities, it is natural to use the Fourier transform of complex numbers. If we insist on what its physical meaning is, I am afraid it can only be said by mathematical means
In addition, some complex quantities have the concept of frequency, such as the plane wave vector mentioned above
The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, the least common multiple is 180, and the large number is not a multiple of the decimal, the two numbers are______ .
Because 180 △ 15 = 12, the unique product of prime factors of two numbers is 12, 12 = 1 × 12 = 3 × 4, and because large numbers are not multiples of decimals, they can not be 1 and 12. These two numbers can only be: 15 × 3 = 45, 15 × 4 = 60; so the answer is: 45 and 60
High school mathematics, why is the square of complex number different from the square of complex modulus?
The simplest example is I ^ 2 = - 1 | I | ^ 2 = 1, because the square of the complex number is the whole, and the square of the complex modulus is only for the number inside, without the imaginary number I
For example, (a + bi) ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + 2abi + (BI) ^ 2
|A + bi | = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 compare the difference between the above and the following
If the least common multiple of two numbers is & nbsp; 252 and the greatest common divisor is & nbsp; 7, and the greater of the two numbers is not a multiple of a decimal, then the two numbers are______ .
252 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7, the greatest common factor of two numbers is & nbsp; 7, 7 is their only common prime factor, then 2 and 3 are their unique prime factors, 2 × 2 × 7 = 28, 3 × 3 × 7 = 63; so the answers are: 28 and 63
Change the following sentences into plural
1.His father is a teather.
2.Where is her computer?
1.Their fathers are teachers.
2.Where are their computers?
1:They fathers are teachers.
2:Where are they computers?
Their fathers are teachers.
Where are their computers?