The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, the least common multiple is 180, and the large number is not a multiple of the decimal, the two numbers are______ .

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, the least common multiple is 180, and the large number is not a multiple of the decimal, the two numbers are______ .

Because 180 △ 15 = 12, the unique product of prime factors of two numbers is 12, 12 = 1 × 12 = 3 × 4, and because large numbers are not multiples of decimals, they can not be 1 and 12. These two numbers can only be: 15 × 3 = 45, 15 × 4 = 60; so the answer is: 45 and 60
Change the following sentences into plural
1、There is a child over there.
2、What`s this in English?
3、The sheep is drinking water.
4、Is it yellow?
5、This is my book.
There are some children over there.
What are these in English?
The sheep are drinking water.
Are they yellow?
These are my(our) books.
there are children over there
What are these in English
The sheep are drinking water
Are they yellow
these are my books
The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 15, the least common multiple is 180, and the large number is not a multiple of the decimal, the two numbers are______ .
Because 180 △ 15 = 12, the unique product of prime factors of two numbers is 12, 12 = 1 × 12 = 3 × 4, and because large numbers are not multiples of decimals, they can not be 1 and 12. These two numbers can only be: 15 × 3 = 45, 15 × 4 = 60; so the answer is: 45 and 60
Change the sentence to the plural
That is to change singular into plural, he she into they, I into we, singular noun into plural, am is into are
For example: I am a student = = we are students
he is a worker====they are wokers
Please change the form of these sentences to plural ones.
Please change the form of this sentence to a plural one.
Large numbers are multiples of decimals, large numbers are their least common multiples, and decimals are their greatest common factors. Two adjacent natural numbers must have only one common factor
Kneel down, ask two questions is right or wrong
Help me, my mother is waiting for the answer OTZ
Large numbers are multiples of decimals, large numbers are their least common multiple, and decimals are their greatest common factor
Wrong, these two numbers must be natural numbers that are not zero, not decimals!
Two adjacent natural numbers must have a common factor of 1
Wrong, these two natural numbers cannot be 0 and 1
The first question to the second question: Mai Gao De, reason!!!! Speed
How to change the plural form of this sentence
my wife is very beautiful
Our wives are very beautiful.
A = 2 × a × 5, B = 2 × a × 5 × 7, the greatest common divisor of a and B is 30, and the least common multiple is 0______ .
Because number a = 2 × a × 5, number b = 2 × a × 5 × 7, the common prime factors of number a and number B are 2, a and 5. There is no unique prime factor of number a, but the unique prime factor of number B is 7. Because the greatest common divisor of number a and number B is 30, the least common multiple of number a and number B is 30 × 7 = 210, so the answer is 210
Change the sentence to the plural
Why is ILS font (DE) bones when it becomes plural in IL fait une bonne plaisanterie Why is de not des? Isn't the plural of une des?
When an adjective is added between the indefinite article DES and the plural noun, des should be changed to de
For example: de jeunes filles. De belles Fleurs. De bons livres. All mean some (DES). With adjectives added in the middle, des should be de. this is the requirement of a French grammar
The greatest divisor of a number is 24, and the prime factor is ()
Change the following sentences into plural
1.there is a tiger near tree.
2.she has a brother.
3.the rabbit has long ears
1.There are tigers near the trees.
2.They have brothers.
3.The rabbits have long ears .
There are tigers near trees.
They have brothers.
These rabbits have long ears.