The derivative of y = Xe ^ X-1

The derivative of y = Xe ^ X-1

Let z = (x + y) / (X-Y), find DZ
dz=fxdx+fydy=[[(x-y)-(x+y)]/(x-y)^2 ]dx+[[(x-y)+(x+y)]/(x-y)^2]dy =-2y/(x-y)^2 dx+2x/(x-y)^2 dy =2/(x-y)^2 (xdy-ydx)
The sum of two natural numbers is 60, and the sum of their greatest common factor and least common multiple is 84. What are the two numbers?
Number a = the greatest common divisor of two numbers x the unique prime factor of a
Number b = the greatest common divisor of two numbers x the unique prime factor of number B
The least common multiple of two numbers = the greatest common divisor × the unique prime factor of a × the unique prime factor of B
The sum of two numbers (60) = the greatest common divisor of two numbers × the sum of the unique prime factors of a and B (1)
The sum of the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple
(84) = the greatest common divisor of two numbers + the greatest common divisor × the unique prime factor of a × the unique prime factor of B
=The greatest common divisor of two numbers × (1 + the product of the unique prime factors of a and b) II.
Comparing ① and ②, we can find that the greatest common divisor of these two numbers may be the greatest common divisor of 60 and 84
The greatest common divisor of these two numbers is 12
Therefore, 84 = 12 * (1 + 6), 60 = 12 * 5
Therefore, the two unique prime factors are 2 and 3 respectively
So these two numbers are 24 and 36
24 and 36. Think about the process and then add the answer.
Related words (complex sentences into simple sentences)
1. I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world
2. The real world is for everyone, and the spiritual world is unique to scholars
3. In addition to the real world, he also has a broader and richer spiritual world
With the relevant words and into a sentence! Urgent!
Everyone has the real world, and the spiritual world is unique to the readers. So I often think that the readers are the happy people in the world, because in addition to the real world, they also have a broader and richer spiritual world
I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world, because he not only has the real world, but also has a broader and richer world. The real world is common to all, but the latter is unique to scholars. This is originally two sentences, from Xie Mian's "scholars are happy people"
Who came up with the subject? There are problems with the subject itself. From the perspective of language use, there is no need to combine them into one sentence with related words. It is a kind of language disease to abuse the relevant words. Please take another look at this
I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world, because he not only has the real world, but also has a broader and richer world. The real world is common to all, but the latter is unique to scholars. This is originally two sentences, from Xie Mian's "scholars are happy people"
Who came up with the subject? There are problems with the subject itself. From the perspective of language use, there is no need to combine them into one sentence with related words. It is a kind of language disease to abuse the relevant words. Please look at this topic again. Not all topics have training value, I think. Put it away
1. I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world.
2. The real world is for everyone, and the spiritual world is unique to scholars.
3. In addition to the real world, he also has a broader and richer spiritual world.
Use the relevant words and combine them into a sentence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!
The real world is shared by everyone, and the spiritual world is unique to the readers. Therefore, I often think that the readers are the happy people in the world, because in addition to the real world, they also have a more vast and rich world
1. I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world.
2. The real world is for everyone, and the spiritual world is unique to scholars.
3. In addition to the real world, he also has a broader and richer spiritual world.
Use the relevant words and combine them into a sentence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!
Everyone has the real world, and the spiritual world is unique to the readers. Therefore, I often think that the readers are the happy people in the world, because in addition to the real world, they also have a broader and richer spiritual world. Put it away
I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world, because he not only has the real world, but also has a more vast and rich world. The real world is common to all, but the latter is unique to scholars. Therefore, I think that those who have lost or can't read are so unhappy that their loss can't be compensated. There are many inequalities in the world, such as the inequality of wealth, the inequality of rights, and the spiritual inequality is reflected in the possession or loss of reading ability. ... unfold
I often think that a scholar is a happy person in the world, because he not only has the real world, but also has a more vast and rich world. The real world is common to all, but the latter is unique to scholars. Therefore, I think that those who have lost or can't read are so unhappy that their loss can't be compensated. There are many inequalities in the world, such as the inequality of wealth, the inequality of rights, and the spiritual inequality is reflected in the possession or loss of reading ability. Put it away
The greatest common divisor of the two natural numbers of a and B is 14, and the least common multiple is 84______ And______ Or______ And______ .
These two numbers may be: 14 × 2 = 28, 14 × 3 = 42, or 14, 14 × 2 × 3 = 84, so the answer is: 28, 42, 14, 84
Combine the following three short sentences into a compound sentence by using appropriate connectives
1. To be content with mediocrity, we may live a miserable life without ideal and mediocrity. 2. Failure can often become a stepping stone for us to learn lessons and move towards success. 3. If we want to succeed, we must have the courage to face failure and abandon the mediocre attitude of muddling along
Because the mediocrity may lead a miserable life without ideal and mediocrity, but failure can often become a stepping stone for us to learn lessons and move towards success. Therefore, if we want to succeed, we must have the courage to face failure and abandon the mediocre attitude of muddling along
The greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of 28 and 84 are
A.12、88 B.6、72 C.28、84 D.18、108
The greatest common divisor of C 28 and 84 is 2 × 2 × 7 = 28, and the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 3 × 7 = 84
How to change a sentence into a compound sentence with an object clause
She can't return home as soon as possible, l think
It is known that the sum of two natural numbers is 60, and the sum of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is 84. What are the two natural numbers?
Let the binary number be x, y, and (x, y) = D, let x = ad, y = BD, then (a, b) = 1. According to the meaning of the title, there is a + B = 60d1 + AB = 84d, because (60, 84) = 12, so d = L, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12. When D: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, the equations have no solution. When d = 12, the equations become a + B = 5ab = 6, the solution
Connect sentences into compound sentences with object clauses
Next is a detailed question
1.These flowers are from Guangdong.He said
He said__ those flowers___ From Guangdong
4.Can they speak French?I want to know.
I want to know__ __ __ __ (four empty)__ I filled in if they can speak
Because we haven't learned this yet, I found some questions to do after preview in advance. I don't know whether they are correct or not. I hope that my friends who answer can give me a detailed solution. It's better to give me a general solution and what tense to use under what circumstances. My Preview is not very perfect,
That's right
(that) if they can speak.
What happened in the past
What happened in the past
It's happening now
What happened in the past has an effect on the present
What will happen in the future
Hope to adopt. If you have any questions, please contact o (∩)_ ∩)O~
1.These flowers are from Guangdong.He said
He said _ that_ those flowers__ were_ From Guangdong
4.Can they speak French? I want to know.
I want to know__ that if they can speak __ __ __ (four empty)__ French.
He said _ were
A kind of those flowers that from Guangdong.
That's right~
The first is the past tense, so we all use the past tense. That is the object of said.
The second is to choose an interrogative sentence to be an object clause, connect it with if or wether, and then change the order of interrogative sentence to that of declarative sentence.