In 1,2,18,37,51,60153235, odd numbers have () even numbers have () prime numbers have () combined numbers have () what can be divisible by 2,5 at the same time is have In 1,2,18,37,51,60153235, odd numbers have () even numbers have () prime numbers have () combined numbers have () can be divisible by 2,5 at the same time is that there are the following expressions which represent the decomposition prime factor, when (a) 2% 15 equals 30 (b) 60 equals 2% 5% 6 (c) 12 equals 4% 3% 1 (d) 45 equals 3% 3% 5

In 1,2,18,37,51,60153235, odd numbers have () even numbers have () prime numbers have () combined numbers have () what can be divisible by 2,5 at the same time is have In 1,2,18,37,51,60153235, odd numbers have () even numbers have () prime numbers have () combined numbers have () can be divisible by 2,5 at the same time is that there are the following expressions which represent the decomposition prime factor, when (a) 2% 15 equals 30 (b) 60 equals 2% 5% 6 (c) 12 equals 4% 3% 1 (d) 45 equals 3% 3% 5

In 1,2,18,37,51,60153235, the odd number has (1,37,51153235) the even number has (2,18,60) the prime number has (2,37) the combined number has (18,51,60153235) and 60 can be divided by 2,5 at the same time
In the following expressions, D is the expression of factorization prime factor
(A) 15% equals 30 (b) 60 equals 25% 6 (c) 12 equals 43% 1 (d) 45 equals 33% 5
Couple: 2.18.60
He: everything except vegetarians
When the following formulas represent the decomposition prime factor? I don't know what that means
1。 Odd numbers are (1,37,51153235)
Even numbers have (2,18,60)
The prime number has (2,37)
The total number is (18,51,60153235)
What can be divisible by 2 and 5 at the same time is (60)
2。 (D)
Is grape plural or uncountable
Countable and usually only in countable form
Countable noun, grapes
In natural numbers, the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest odd number is () and the difference between the smallest composite number and the smallest natural number is ()
In natural numbers, the sum of the smallest prime number and the smallest odd number is (3). The difference between the smallest composite number and the smallest natural number is (4)
I like eating grapes or grapes
Natural number odd even prime number composite factor multiple common multiple coprime prime number and so on some number definitions and examples, the more the better, the better to be concise. Thank you first
A natural number is an integer greater than or equal to 0. In an integer, the number that can be divisible by 2 is even, and the number that cannot be divisible by 2 is odd prime, also known as prime. In a natural number greater than 1, except for 1 and the integer itself, the number that cannot be divisible by other natural numbers is called composite
Can I add s to the plural of onion or not?
Onion is an uncountable noun
Onion (plural of onion) v. tears caused by onion (simple three forms of onion) must be added s
Two odd numbers are coprime numbers (); two composite numbers are coprime numbers (); one prime number and one composite number are coprime numbers ()
Two odd numbers are coprime numbers (×); two composite numbers are coprime numbers (×); one prime number and one composite number are coprime numbers (wrong)
What's the word list on page 100 of English Book Volume 1 of Grade 7? I'm so anxious that I don't have a book with me
my nameisclockIamninetomeetyouwhatyourhellohihisandherquestionanswerlookfirstfirsi namelastlast name boygirlzeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetelephonetelephone numberphonephone numberitcardID c...
What is English book 91 1b1c in Grade 7 Volume 2? No book!
A. The least common multiple of B is 144. Given that a has 12 divisors and B has 10 divisors, what is the sum of a and B?
The least common multiple of a and B is 60, the least common multiple of B and C is 70, and the least common multiple of a and C is 84?
I've helped to do it
Please, prawns
(1) The least common multiple of a and B is 144. We know that a and B are all divisors of 144. The divisors of 144 are 1 23 4 6 8 12 16 18 36 48 72 144. Among them, a = 72 with twelve divisors and B = 48 with ten divisors. So the sum of a and B is 72 + 48 = 120 (2). The least common multiple of a and B is 60, B, C
Are you studying in Gaosi? This problem is similar to the problem in advanced order of common divisor and common multiple.
Can you help me translate the word list of unit 4 in English Book Volume 1 of Grade 7?
Where is it
A bookcase; a bookcase
In. Next
Come to; come to
Hurry up
Think; think; think
His / her / it's all about us
Yes; yes
Know; understand
Radio broadcast
Tape; audio tape; videotape
model plane
Neat and tidy; in good order
Everywhere; everywhere; everywhere