The greatest common factor of two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 75

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 15, and the least common multiple is 75

These two numbers contain two factors 3 and 5, so one of the two numbers also contains 5
That is, 3 * 5 * 1 = 15
And 3 * 5 * 5 = 75
15 and 75
The greatest common factor is 15; the least common multiple is 75.
Because 15 and 75 are multiples.
15 and 75
Factorize 75 to get 75 = 5 * 5 * 3
Because there must be a factor 15, there are only two fixed numbers, which can be 5 * 3 or 5 * 5 * 3
That's 15 and 75
15 and 75
15 and 75
English singular plural conversion:
1 Is that a photo?
2 Is it a pencil sharpener?
3 Are those his friends?
4 Are they Tom's daughters?
1 Are those photos?
2 Are they pencil sharpeners?
3 Is that his friends?
4 Is she Tom's daughter?
1 Are those photos?
2 Are they pencil sharpeners?
3 Is he(or she) his friend?
4 Is he(or she) Tom's daughter?
1.Are those photos?2.Are those pencil sharpeners?3.Is that his friend?4.Is she Tom's daughter?
There are two numbers whose least common multiple is 60 and the greatest common factor is 5
So, one number is: 5 * 3 = 15, the other is: 5 * 4 = 20
Or: one number is: 5 * 1 = 5, the other number is: 5 * 12 = 60
English singular plural conversion,
Single to multiple, multiple to single
1.Is this you box?
2.There is a boy in the picture.
3.That is his new book.
4.It is a Chinese car.
5.they are Japanese students.
6.Who are those girls over there?
1.Are these your boxes?2.There are some boys in the picture.3.Those are his new books.4.They are Chinese cars.5.He is a Japanese student.6.Who is that girl over there?
This should be OK!
1.Are these your boxes?
2.There are some boys in the picture.
3.Those are his new books.
4.They are Chinese cars.
5.He is a Japanese student.
6.Who is that girl over there?
Are there your boxs?
There are boys in the picture.
These are his new books.
There are Chinese cars.
He(Her) is Japanese student.
who is this girl over there?
There are two numbers whose greatest common factor is 14 and least common multiple is 42. These two numbers are () and ()
There are two numbers whose greatest common factor is 14 and least common multiple is 42. These two numbers are (14) and (42)
Conversion of singular and plural in junior one
1.These are English books.
2.Is this a bus.
3.I am a new student.
4.Those aren't oyr apples
5.Whose dress is this
6.Are they old women.
7.He has a small knife.
8.The cap is red.
9.The men in black are teachers.
10.The gray desk is mine.
11.This ia a yellow dress.
12.Those are English books.
My English is very bad.
1.This is an English books.
2.Are these buses?
3.We are new students.
4.That isn't an oyr apple.
5.Whose dress these are?
6.Is she an old woman?
7.They have some small knife.
8.The caps are red.
9.The man in black is teacher.
10.The gray desks are ours.
11.These are some yellow dresses.
12.That is an Engliah book.
If there's something wrong, please forgive me a lot. I'll fight it out with difficulty
.This is an English book.
2.Are those buses.
3.We are new students.
4. That isn't your apple
5.Whose dresses are these
6.Is she an old woman.
7.He has small knives.
If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is 42, the least common multiple is 2940, and the sum of the two numbers is 714, then the two numbers are______ .
Because 2940 △ 42 = 70, 70 can be decomposed into two coprime numbers in two cases: 1 and 70, 2 and 35, 7 and 10, 14 and 5, and the sum of these two numbers is 714, so these two numbers are: 42 × 10 = 420, 42 × 7 = 294; so the answer is: 420294
Which expert will help me to convert the singular and plural of English sentences
1. This is my boor
2. Lt is an olpple
3. Loor, there is a red apples on the table
4. L ARN a student
5. Those are some oranges
1. these are my books.
2. they are apples.
3. look, there are red apples on the table.
4. we are students.
5. that is an orange.
Hope to help you~
1. These are my boors
2. They are olpples
3. There are red apples on the table
4. We are students
5. Those are some oranges
1. these are my books.
2. they are apples.
3. look, there are red apples on the table.
4. we are students.
5. that is an orange.
Hope to help you~
If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is 42, the least common multiple is 2940, and the sum of the two numbers is 714, then the two numbers are______ .
Because 2940 △ 42 = 70, 70 can be decomposed into two coprime numbers in two cases: 1 and 70, 2 and 35, 7 and 10, 14 and 5, and the sum of these two numbers is 714, so these two numbers are: 42 × 10 = 420, 42 × 7 = 294; so the answer is: 420294
He's a man teacher
They are men teachers.
They are men teachers.
They are man teachers.