If the greatest common factor of a and B is 1, what is their least common multiple?

If the greatest common factor of a and B is 1, what is their least common multiple?

Does like have a plural?
If so, what is it?
No, you've seen likes, right?
Like is the verb like meaning, has the person change
For example: she likes Show how / what she likes
It's not plural
It's like a verb or an adjective
X and y are non-zero natural numbers, x + 1 = y, the greatest common factor of X and Y is______ The least common multiple is______ .
According to X and y are non-zero natural numbers, x + 1 = y, we can get that X and y are two adjacent natural numbers, so they are mutually prime. Therefore, the greatest common factor of X and Y is 1, and the least common multiple is XY
The plural form of she
The plural forms of he and she are they (they / they);
However, some feminists in the United States have declared their opposition to this usage, creating their own words shey, SHERO and so on, but these words are still not commonly used
they, shes
The plural forms of he and she are they (they / they);
A = 2 / 3, the greatest common factor of a and B is 4, and the least common multiple of a and B is ()
A / b = 2 / 3, the greatest common factor of a and B is 4, and the least common multiple of a and B is (24)
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
The title is to tease children???? Ask: you answer!!
Is there a plural form for mete?
"Meter" is a countable noun with a plural form
Yes, plus s
"Meter" is a countable noun with plural form. Plus s
Add s. wish you success.
Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 4 and 5
The least common multiple is 20 and the greatest common factor is 1
The least common multiple of 4 and 5 is 20
Greatest common factor 1
Least common multiple: 20
Greatest common factor: 1
The greatest 1 of the least common multiple 20
Least common multiple: 20
Greatest common factor: 1
English plural sentences
This is a pen.
Is this your backpack?
It's a black bag
These are pens
Are these your backpacks?
They're black bags
These are pens.
Are these your backpacks?
They're black bags.
These are pens.
Are these your backpacks?
These are balck bags.
These are pens
Are these your backpacks?
These're black bags
These are pens.
Are these your backpacks?
Those are black bags.
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 96, and one of them is 32
So the other number is 24
Another number is the least common multiple × the greatest common factor △ 32 = 96 × 8 △ 32 = 24?
How to change English singular and plural?
How to change a sentence?
General + S
Take s.x CH.SH + es at the end of
Change f or Fe to ves with f or Fe ending
Words with consonant + y, side y for I and ES