The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?

The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?

252 △ 28 = 9, 4 × 9 = 36; a: another number is 36
Two expressions of autumn: absent English and mouse plural
Autumn: Fall Autumn
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?
252 △ 28 = 9, 4 × 9 = 36; a: another number is 36
What's the plural of a mouse
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?
252 △ 28 = 9, 4 × 9 = 36; a: another number is 36
The mothers of the mice have come back
Rats, plural, of course.
The mice's mom has come back.
In the plural, the singular is mouse and the plural is mice
In the form of pl
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?
252 △ 28 = 9, 4 × 9 = 36; a: another number is 36
How to write mouse plural in English?
Complex number of mice
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 252. If one number is 28, what is the other number?
252 △ 28 = 9, 4 × 9 = 36; a: another number is 36
I want to see a comedy
I want to see a comedy
That is Jane's coat
He is in class one
She is a Chinese
Can I help you
I was born on December 24th, 1989
1、We want to see comedies.2、Whose coat is that?3、Which Class is he in?4、She comes from China.5、What can I do for you?6、On December 24th,1989,I was born.
I want to see some comedies?
Whoes coat is that?
What class is he in?
She comes from China.
What can I do for you?
My birthday is 24th,1989.
1.I want to see some comedies.
2.Whose coat is that?
3.What class is he in?
4.She comes from China.
5.What can I do for you?
6.My birthday is December 24th,1989
I want to see comedies.
Whose coat is that?
Which class is he in?
She is from China.
What can I do for you?
My birthday is December 24th,1989.
We want to see comedies.
Whose coat is that?
Which Class is he in?
She comes from China.
What can I do for you?
On December 24th, 1989, I was born
I want to see a comedies.
Whose coat is this?
which class is he in?
She is from China.
She was born in China
She comes from China
What can I do for you?
The 24th of December 1989 is my birthday.