The product of two prime numbers must be a composite number Judgment questions

The product of two prime numbers must be a composite number Judgment questions

Since this number is obtained by multiplying two prime numbers, it can be divisible not only by 1 and itself, but also by the two prime numbers multiplied by each other. In the natural number set, except 1, the number that can only be divisible by 1 and itself is called prime number (or prime number), and the number that can be divisible not only by 1 and itself, but also by other numbers is called composite number
The product of two prime numbers must be______ .
Prime x prime = product. The product is a multiple of two prime numbers. These two prime numbers are also the factors of the product. In this way, the factor of the product has these two prime numbers besides 1 and itself, so their product must be a composite number. So the answer is: composite number
The product of two prime numbers must be______ .
Prime x prime = product. The product is a multiple of two prime numbers. These two prime numbers are also the factors of the product. In this way, the factor of the product has these two prime numbers besides 1 and itself, so their product must be a composite number. So the answer is: composite number
The product of multiplication of any two prime numbers must be a composite number,
The product of several prime numbers must be a composite number, right
The sum of any two prime numbers must be ()
A. Even B. prime C. composite D. indeterminate
Because all prime numbers except 2 are odd, the sum of two odd numbers is even, 2 plus any prime number (not 2) is not even, so a, B and C can be excluded, so D is chosen
Among the numbers from 1 to 20, () and () are both odd and composite. The factors of 28 are (), among which the prime number is () and the composite number is ()
In addition, only prime numbers are filled in brackets
24 equals () plus () equals () plus () equals () plus ()
30 equals () plus () equals () plus () equals () plus () quick,
Among the numbers from 1 to 20, (9) and (15) are both odd and composite numbers. The factors of 28 are (1,2,4,7,14,28), among which the prime number has (2,7) and the composite number has (4,14,28)
24 equals (11) plus (13) equals (17) plus (7) equals (19) plus (4)
30 equals (11) plus (19) equals (23) plus (7) equals (13) plus (17)
A prime number, a composite number, the sum of us is 15, and the product is 36. What is this number
It's three and twelve
I'm a prime number. The difference between us is 1. I'm a composite number, and the product of us is 56
7 and 8
What is the product of the smallest prime number and the largest composite number in 10?
The smallest prime number is 2, and the largest composite number is 10
A: the product is 20
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The minimum prime number is 2, the maximum composite number is 10, 10 + 2 = 12