The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 323. These two numbers are () and (), or () and( The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 323. These two numbers are () and (), or () and () 14. Use 3, 4 or 7 to get rid of the remainder 2, the smallest of which is ()

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 323. These two numbers are () and (), or () and( The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 323. These two numbers are () and (), or () and () 14. Use 3, 4 or 7 to get rid of the remainder 2, the smallest of which is ()

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1, and the least common multiple is 323. These two numbers are (17) and (19), or (323) and (1)
|The conjugate complex number of Z | - z-5i-1 = 0, find Z
First of all, there is a problem with the title. Conjugate complex numbers can't be equality
It should be - 5i-1
The plural is set
Let z = AI + B, a, B be r, then (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2) ^ 1 / 2-ai-b = 5i-1
Find a, B
We get z = - 5i-12
(1) 44 and 36 (2) 12 and 72
(1) 44 and 36 (2) 12 and 72 (3) 13 and 9
(1) The greatest common divisor of 44 and 36 is 4 and the least common multiple is 396
(2) The greatest common divisor of 12 and 72 is 12 and the least common multiple is 72
(3) The greatest common divisor of 13 and 9 is 1 and the least common multiple is 117
Given that the point corresponding to complex z = (M2-2) + (m-1) I is in the second quadrant, the range of real number m is___ .
∵ complex z = (M2-2) + (m-1) I corresponding point (M2-2, m-1) is located in the second quadrant, ∵ M2-2 < 0, and M-1 > 0, ∵ 1 < m < 2, so the answer is: (1, 2)
The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 1 and the least common multiple is 63. What and what or what and what are these two numbers
The two numbers are 7 and 9
The complex numbers corresponding to vertices a and B of a square ABCD are 2-3i and 5 + 2I. Find the complex numbers corresponding to the other two vertices
Ad = AB * I = (3 + 5I) * I = - 5 + 3I, ZD = - 5 + 3I + 2-3i = - 3, ab = DC, ZC = 3 + 5I + - 3 = 5I (counterclockwise)
Ad = AB * (- I) = 5-3i, ZD = 5-3i + 2-3i = 7-6i, ZC = 3 + 5I + 7-6i = 10-i (clockwise)
What is the greatest common factor of 24 and 36______ The least common multiple is______ .
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3, 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 24 and 36 is: 2 × 2 × 3 = 12, the least common multiple is: 2 × 2 × 3 × 2 × 3 = 72; so the answer is: 12, 72
In the complex plane, if the complex number corresponding to vector AB is 2 + I and the complex number corresponding to vector CB is - 1-3i, then the complex number corresponding to vector CA is ()
A. 1-2iB. -1+2iC. 3+4iD. -3-4i
The complex number corresponding to vector AB is 2 + I, the complex number corresponding to vector CB is - 1-3i, the complex number corresponding to Ba is - 2-I, and the complex number corresponding to vector CA is (- 1-3i) + (- 2-I) = - 3-4i
Greatest common factor and least common multiple
A, B and c run around the circular track. It takes 1 minute for a to finish a lap, 1 minute and 30 seconds for B to finish a lap, and 1 minute and 15 seconds for C to finish a lap. How many minutes do the three start from the starting point at the same time before they meet? How many laps did they run when they met?
The least common multiple of 1 minute, 1 minute 30 seconds, 1 minute 15 seconds is 15 minutes
The three started from the starting point at the same time and met after 15 minutes
When meeting, a ran 15 laps, B ran 10 laps, C ran 12 laps
English translation of festivals
It's urgent!
Dragon Boat Festival
Today, people eat zongzi and row dragon boats in memory of Qu Yuan
Qixi Festival
People prepare incense, melons and fruits, worship Cowherd and weaver girl, and eat glutinous rice
Double Ninth Festival
People eat food for tonic purposes
Last tooth Festival (December 16)
People clean up, sew new clothes and go home for the new year
Very urgent! Dragon Boat Festival (5 beginning of the months of lunar calendar 5)The people eat the Zong-zi today, rowing the Dragon Boat, celebrating Qu-Yuan. The seventh night of the seventh moon st...