70 60 105 the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of three numbers, RT

70 60 105 the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of three numbers, RT

The greatest common divisor is 5
four hundred and twenty point five
The greatest common divisor of 12 and 18 is______ The least common multiple is______ .
12 = 2 × 2 × 3, 18 = 2 × 3 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 12 and 18 is 2 × 3 = 6; the least common multiple of 12 and 18 is 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36
The least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 111
What are the two numbers
What are the plural forms of English, American and Japanese?
Homomorphism of singular and plural in English and Japanese
American plural plus s
The plural is American
The least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 111. These two numbers are () and () or () and ()
3and37 or 1and111
111 = 3 * 37, both are prime numbers, so the two numbers are 3 and 37 or 1 and 111
3 37 111 1
Kangaroo is living. Why don't you add es to its plural
What I'm asking is why, what are the plurals of words that don't end with O plus s
In general, those ending with two o's plus s form a complex number
No S
There are several special words ending with O to add es, such as hero, add es, tomato, add es, and potato. These words are special, and the rest are added s
Impossible question: what is impossible
Two composite numbers are mutually prime numbers, and their least common multiple is 260
Urgent. Up. Plus. Urgent. High. Hand. Quick. Come on
2 and 2 cannot be separated, otherwise they are not mutually prime
5 and 13 cannot be separated, otherwise they are not combined
So these two numbers are 4 and 65
2 and 2 cannot be separated, 5 and 13 cannot be separated
1*(5*13) 5*13
1) 1260 is not a total
In English, the last letter of a word is s, and is it plural plus or not?
Some are countable nouns, usually followed by "es" instead of "s"
You don't need to add uncountable nouns`
There are also some words that are singular and plural, such as "means"
Generally, "es" is added.
Countable nouns should be added with ES, such as class
You don't need to add uncountable names, like grass
It's usually added
Two composite numbers are coprime numbers whose least common multiple is 210. There are () pairs of such numbers
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4
According to the stem analysis, we can get: 210 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 7, the two combined numbers in line with the meaning of the question are: 2 × 3 and 5 × 7; 2 × 5 and 3 × 7; 2 × 7 and 3 × 5; there are three pairs in total
What is the plural of company?
Companies! Words ending with consonants change y into I plus es