The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 48, one of them is 16, what is the other number?

The greatest common divisor of two numbers is 8, the least common multiple is 48, one of them is 16, what is the other number?

48 △ 16 = 33 × 8 = 24 A: another number is 24
lt s under the teacher s
It's under the teacher's desk
It's under the teacher's desk
It's under the teacher's desk
It's under the teacher's desk. This is the literal translation.
Given ix-6i + I 3y-8 I + I Z-2 I = 0, find the value of X + 3Y + Z
Because: ix-6i + I 3y-8 I + I Z-2 I = 0
So: (X-6) + (3y-8) + (Z-2) = 0
So: X-6 + 3y-8 + Z-2 = 0
So: x + 3Y + Z = 6 + 8 + 2
Because X-6 = 0, x = 6, 3y-8 = 0, 3Y = 8, Z-2 = 2, z = 2
x=6 3y-8=0 3y=8 z=2
Is zoom's schoolbag under the teacher's desk?
In this form: Yes______________
yes,it is.
yes' l love you
How to find Z in (6-8i) z = | 8-6i?
Do you have an answer?
Is, under, teacher's desk, lt, the
The first time to provide you with the right answer:
It is under the teacher's desk.
It's under the teacher's desk
Given that the complex number Z = (B & sup2; - 1) + bi is a pure imaginary number, who can determine the value of B?
The real part of a pure imaginary number is 0, while the imaginary part is not equal to 0
1 or - 1
The plural of cake
2 pieces of cake
You can also add s directly
2 pieces of cake
2 kinds
Pieces of cake
Homomorphism of simple and complex numbers
2 kinds
Pieces of cake
In the complex plane, the point corresponding to the complex number Z = I2 − I (I is an imaginary unit) is located at the second point______ Quadrant
The complex z = I2 − I = I (2 + I) (2 − I) (2 + I) = − 1 + 2i5, the corresponding point of the complex is (− 15, 25), in the second quadrant
The plural form of coke
These beverage nouns are uncountable, written in the same way as the singular, without s
The plural does not change
No, because drinks are uncountable