The greatest common factor of the two numbers in the solution of a mathematical problem is 14, and the least common multiple is 84. How many groups of numbers are there?

The greatest common factor of the two numbers in the solution of a mathematical problem is 14, and the least common multiple is 84. How many groups of numbers are there?

The greatest common factor of the two numbers is 14, and the least common multiple is 84. What are the two numbers?
14 and 84
what's on the desk?
What's on the table? What's on the table? All right
The conjugate complex of complex number (i-2i) 2 is
The conjugate complex number of complex number (i-2i) & #178; is
It's (1-2i) &
Its conjugate complex number is: - 3 + 4I
What's this on the desk? And what's on the desk
The former refers to what is on the table, while the latter refers to what is on the table
What's this on the desk?
What's on the desk?
The difference is that the former specifies the object "this" and asks "what is this" (which can also be replaced by it), while the latter is limited to the table.
Grammatically, the former is more standard, "on the desk" is a prepositional phrase, which can be ignored, while the latter is only "what's", which does not constitute a complete sentence. But speaking like this should be OK
What's this on the desk?
What's on the desk?
The difference is that the former specifies the object "this" and asks "what is this" (which can also be replaced by it), while the latter is limited to the table.
Grammatically, the former is more standard, "on the desk" is a prepositional phrase, which can be ignored, while the latter is only "what's", which does not constitute a complete sentence. But speaking in this way should be OK
Something on the table is something. There is a point. first
What's on the table. Including all. Second
It is known that the complex numbers Z1 and Z2 corresponding to two points a and B on the complex plane satisfy: Z2 = (1 - √ 3I) Z1, and | Z1 | + | Z2 | + | z1-z2 | = 6 + 2 √ 3,
Point O is the coordinate origin of the complex plane, (1) find the locus of point a; (2) find the area s of triangle AOB
Please elaborate on the process
1. By substituting Z2 = (1-radical 3I) Z1, we get (3 + radical 3) Z1 = 6 + 2 radical 3. If we set point a (x, y), then x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 4, so the trajectory of a is a circle with (0,0) as the center and 2 as the radius
2. Let a (2cosa, 2sina), then from Z2 = (1 - √ 3I) Z1, get B (2cosa + root 3sina, root 3sina - root 3), calculate the length of AB and the distance from O to AB, and get the triangle area as root 3. You can calculate the middle process by yourself. It's too troublesome for me to type those formulas. The answer is root 3
What's there on the desk? And what's on the desk?
I want to change the following there be sentence pattern into a special question
There is a pencil on the desk
What's there on the desk? And what's on the desk?
It's a little unclear whether to add there or not?
There and is are not there be structure, because there be structure is not used with what
There is a pencil on the desk
What's on the desk?
As shown in the figure, the coordinates of vertex o, a, C of parallelogram oabc are (0,0), (a, 0), (B, c) respectively. The coordinates of vertex B of the book are (0,0), (a, 0), (B, c) respectively
The coordinates of point B are (a + B, c) because the parallelogram oabc is parallel to OA
So the y-axis coordinate of point B is the same as that of point C, which is C
Because BC = OA, the coordinates of point a are (a, 0)
And because the x-axis coordinate of point C is B
So the x-axis coordinates of B are a + B
So the coordinates of point B are (a + B, c)
The ball is under the desk
-Is the ball under the desk?
-Yes,it is.
-No,it isn't.
As shown in the figure, ▱ oabc vertex o, a, C coordinates are (0, 0), (a, 0), (B, c), find the coordinates of vertex B
Let C be CD ⊥ OA. In ▱ oabc, O (0, 0), a (a, 0), ∥ OA = A. and ∥ BC ∥ Ao, ∥ the ordinate of point B is equal to that of point C, ∥ B (a + B, c)