4 and 9 7 and 8 12 and 5 What do you find?

4 and 9 7 and 8 12 and 5 What do you find?

They are all coprime, and the greatest common factor is 1
If the natural number a is a multiple of B, then the greatest common factor of a and B is B
incorrect. Except zero
Yes, we don't study 0 when we study factor multiples
Yes, please!!!!!!!!! Why not?
If the natural number a is a multiple of B, then the greatest common factor of a and B is B
If the natural number a is a multiple of B, then the greatest common factor of a and B is B. (right)
Remember: when two numbers are multiple, the decimal is their greatest common factor, and the large number is their least common multiple.
yes. When there is a multiple relationship between two numbers, the decimal is the greatest common factor of the two numbers
Change singular to plural
The boy is going to have an English lesson.
The boys are going to have an English lesson.
If the singular changes to the plural, the person in front of it will change, so will the verb be
the boys are going to have English lessons
those boys are going to have an English lesson
The boys are going to have English lessons.
The boy is going to have an English lesson.
The boys are going to have the English lessons.
Given the complex number Z = i-2i ^ 2 [the square of I] (1) find the square of Z (2) if AZ [the first horizontal of Z] + B = 0, find the value of a, B
Master hand out, 80 points
According to the test specifications to do!
A horizontal line on Z is to write a Z, and draw a horizontal line on it, just like ō, replacing o with Z
(1) ∵ I squared = - 1
So Z & sup2; = I & sup2; + 4I + 4 = 3 + 4I
(2) The premise of this question is that the horizontal line of Z represents Z
There is an imaginary number in Z and ab is a real number
And AZ + B = 0
B = 0 (the principle is that imaginary numbers do not cancel real numbers)
A singular sentence becomes a plural sentence
That's his friend.
Is this her teacher.
She has got a pear.
Is he at home.
This is my watch.
1.Those are his friends.
2.Are these her teachers?
3.She has got pears.
4.Are they at home?
5.These are my watches.
1.Those are his friends.
2.Are these her teachers?
3.She has got pears.
4.Are they at home?
5.These are my watches.
Let the complex number Z1 ≠ 1, (z1-1) / Z1 + 1 be a pure imaginary number, and the complex number Z = 4 / (1 + z1) & sup2; be the locus equation of the corresponding point
Let m = (z1-1) / (z1 + 1), let m be a pure imaginary number, and let m be mi
Let the coordinates of the corresponding point of Z be (x, y), so x = 1-m & sup2;, y = - 2m, and eliminate m to get y & sup2; + 4x-4 = 0
How to change a singular sentence into a plural sentence?
When changing a singular sentence into a plural sentence, we should pay attention to the following points: (1) the demonstrative pronoun this or that should be changed into these or those respectively; (2) am or is should be changed into are; (3) the indefinite article a (an) should be removed; (4) the singular of countable nouns should be in the plural form (how to change the singular into the plural); (5) if the subject is a personal pronoun, they should also be in the plural form, I-we; you you; she / he / it they
No more examples,
Given the complex number Z = a ^ 2-7a + 6 / A ^ 2-1 + (a ^ 2-5a-6) I, when finding the value of real number a, Z is a real imaginary number and a pure imaginary number
When real
The imaginary part is zero
That is, a ^ 2-5a-6 = 0
The solution is a = 6 or - 1
When it is an imaginary number
The imaginary part is not zero
That is, a ^ 2-5a-6 is not equal to 0
The solution is that a is not equal to 6 and not equal to - 1
When it is a pure imaginary number
If the imaginary part is not zero, the real part is zero
English sentence from singular to plural
He has a round face
They have round faces
They have round faces
They have round faces.
They have round faces.
It is proved that if the complex number a + IB is the root of the real coefficient equation A0 * Z ^ n + A1 * Z ^ (n-1) +. + an-1 * Z + an = 0., then a-ib is also its root
Prove it with a concrete formula,
Since the complex number a + IB is the root of the real coefficient equation A0 * Z ^ n + A1 * Z ^ (n-1) +. + an-1 * Z + an = 0., the left and right ends of the equation A0 * (a + IB) ^ n + A1 * (a + IB) ^ (n-1) +. + an-1 * (a + IB) + an = 0 are conjugate. Note that the conjugate of AK is itself, the conjugate of a + IB is a-ib, and the conjugate of Z1 * Z2 is equal to the conjugate of Z1 multiplied by Z2