A mathematical problem of greatest common divisor and least common multiple The sum of two positive integers is 667, and the quotient of their least common multiple and greatest common divisor is 120

A mathematical problem of greatest common divisor and least common multiple The sum of two positive integers is 667, and the quotient of their least common multiple and greatest common divisor is 120

435 and 232
Where's the question????
Two numbers, their greatest common factor is 4 and their least common multiple is 84. These two numbers may be () and () or () and ()
I'm in a hurry
The greatest common factor is 4 and the least common multiple is 84. These two numbers may be (4) and (84) or (12) and (28)
Question on bracket: our P.E.teacher needs (12) besketbalol
How many basketball do your P.E.teacher need?
Number of questions, followed by countable nouns, use how many; followed by uncountable nouns, use how much
How many basketballs does our PE teacher need?
How many basketballs does your P.E. teacher need?
I think it's basketball. I misspelled it
When you change it into a question, we change it into your
How many besketballs does your P.E. teacher need?
Given 2Z = 1 - (conjugate complex number of Z) ^ 2, find Z - √ 2I
Let z = a + bi, then the conjugate complex of Z is a-bi
According to the meaning of the title: 2A + 2bi = 1 - (a-bi) &;
2a+2bi = 1-a²+2abi+b²
a²+2a-b²-1 + (2b-2ab)i = 0
So a & # 178; + 2a-b & # 178; - 1 = 0 and 2b-2ab = 0
So a = 1, B = √ 2
Then Z - √ 2I = 1 + √ 2I - √ 2I = 1
The desk in the frout of the classroom is our teacher's
Whose desk is in the front of the classroom?
Whose desk in the front of the classroom?
whose desk in the front of the classroom
Whose desk is in the front of the classroom?
Whose is the desk in the front of the classeroom?
Let complex number = 1 + √ 2I, find z-2z
-z=-1-√2i ;
There is teacher's desk ____ our classroom.And three trees ___ our classroom,too.
A.in front of;in front of B.in front of;in the front of
C.in the front of;in front of D.in the front of;in the front of
In the front of
In front of front
in , behind
How to find the imaginary part of 5I out of 1-2i? I am poor in mathematics
Denominator real number, get
So the imaginary part is 1
What is on the teacher is desk
What is on the teacher is desk
What is on the teacher's desk?
What's on the teacher's desk?
What's on the teacher's desk?
Complex number (2I / 1 + I) ^ 2 =?
= (2i)²/(i+1)²
(2i/1+i)^2= [ 2i*(1-i) / (1+1) ] ^2 = [ i*(1-i) ] ^2 = (1+i)^2 = 1-1+2i = 2i