What are the least common multiple and greatest common factor of 26 and 91?

What are the least common multiple and greatest common factor of 26 and 91?

So the least common multiple is 13 * 2 * 7 = 182
The greatest common factor is 13
That's right
The least common quilt 182, the greatest common factor 13
Yes, that's right!
The greatest common divisor of 26 and 78 is______ The least common multiple is______ .
26 = 2 × 13, 78 = 2 × 3 × 13, so the greatest common divisor of 26 and 78 is: 2 × 13 = 26; the least common multiple of 26 and 78 is: 2 × 3 × 13 = 78; so the answer is: 26; 78
Complex equation (1 + I) ^ 7 (1-I) + (1 + 4I) / (3-2i)
10. In RLC series circuit, the condition of series resonance is
Inductance and capacitance have the same impedance
How to do plural 7 + I / 3 + 4I
RLC series resonant circuit (Experiment)
Experimental process and data
I took this experiment with me
First calculate the resonant frequency. It's related to your circuit parameters. The experiment I brought is more than 700 Hz
The current at resonance is much smaller than the supply voltage divided by the resistance. The reason is that the resistance in the inductance coil is not considered
You can't give the data because there are no circuit parameters
The process can give you
The reward is not much
The imaginary part of complex number 1 + I / I is
Up and down I
So the imaginary part is - 1
5. When RLC series circuit resonates, the impedance () fills (maximum or minimum) current () fills (maximum or minimum) resonance frequency = ()
Minimum impedance, maximum current, frequency = 1 / 2 π √ (1 / LC)
1 / (2 * pi * root (LC))
Complex number calculation: (1) I + I ^ 2 + I ^ 3 +. + I ^ 100 (2) I ^ 10 + I ^ 20 + I ^ 30 +. + I ^ 80
1.i*i^2*i^3*.*i^100=i^(1+2+3+4+5+…… I ^ 5050 = I ^ 2 = - 12. I * I ^ 3 * I ^ 5 *. * I ^ 99 = I ^ (1 + 3 + 5 +...) 99) = I ^ 2500 because 2500 is divisible by 4, so I ^ 2500 = 13. [(1 + I) / (1-I)]) [(1 + I) / (1-I)] ^ 2 [(1 + I) / (1-I)] ^ 3
In RLC series circuit, when the power supply W is 1000 and resonance occurs, C = 10uF is known and inductance is calculated
Who can be more detailed?? Brother, I don't understand at all
W is the angular frequency, that is, the electric angle of alternating current per second, in radians per second, the half cycle angle of alternating current is 2, and the relationship between angular frequency and frequency is w = 2, that is, 1000 radians per second, about 159.2hz, capacitive reactance = 1 / 2, FC = 1 / WC = inductive reactance, inductive reactance / 2, f = L = 1 / WC / w = 1 / (CWW) = 0.1h