What is the greatest common factor of 5 and 15______ The least common multiple is______ .

What is the greatest common factor of 5 and 15______ The least common multiple is______ .

The greatest common factor of 5 and 15 is 5, and the least common multiple is 15
Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 5 and 11
55 1
Help me to plural English sentences!
What's this in English?
What's this?
What color is it?
What are these in English?
What are these?
What color are these?
In RLC series resonant circuit, when resonant, will the voltage Uc at both ends of the capacitor exceed the supply voltage? Why?
The voltage at both ends of the capacitor may exceed the supply voltage, because the capacitor voltage is equal to the voltage plus the reactor voltage minus the resistance voltage. Because the resistance is relatively small, the capacitor voltage exceeds the supply voltage
On the question of plural, I hope the great God can answer one question at a time. Thank you very much!
Find each of the following roots and sketch them in the complex plane.
(a) the cube roots of 1
(b) the fourth roots of 1 + i
(c) the sixth roots of −64
Forget the plural. Let me tell you what I know. A) is the cube root of 1, or 1, I & # 178; = 1, so it's not plural; c) - 64's 6th root, (- 64) ^ (1 / 6) = (I ^ 4 * 2 ^ 6) ^ (1 / 6) = 2 * (I ^ 4) ^ (1 / 6) = 2, so it's not plural. B) item (1 + I) ^ (1 / 4) should be plural, but it won't count,
How to parallel inductance and capacitor and measure resonance point of parallel circuit
The inductor and the capacitor are connected in parallel, and the signals from the AC signal generator are connected at both ends (high resistance signal source is required). The voltage at both ends of the parallel circuit is measured by a voltmeter with high internal resistance. The frequency of the AC signal output by the signal generator is adjusted (the amplitude of the output signal voltage must remain unchanged). When the voltage value measured by the voltmeter is the highest, The output signal frequency of signal generator is the resonance point of the circuit
When the parallel circuit resonates, the AC internal resistance is the highest, so the voltage drop in the high internal resistance signal circuit will be the largest
If x ∈ C, then how many solution sets are there for the equation | x | & # 178; = x?
There are infinitely many a elements
B {0,1,-1,i,-i}
Neither of the two options you gave is right
Let x = a + bi, a and B be real numbers,
Substitution equation
Then a & # 178; + B & # 178; = a + bi
{ A & { 178; + B & { 178; = A and B = 0
∴ b=0,a²=a
Ψ B = 0, a = 0 or a = 1
That is, x = 0 or x = 1
In RLC series resonant circuit, if the voltage on the inductor is 500 MV and the voltage on the resistor is 50 MV, the voltage on the capacitor should be 0_____ MV, the quality factor of the circuit___
In RLC series resonant circuit, if the voltage on inductance is 500 MV and that on resistance is 50 MV, the voltage on capacitor should be 500 v_____ MV, the quality factor of the circuit___ Ten
A few questions about the plural
1. If the complex Z satisfies that the absolute value (z-3-4i) is less than or equal to 2, what is the maximum value of the modulus of Z
Given the complex number Z1 = cosa-i, Z2 = Sina + I, find the maximum and minimum of absolute value (z1 * Z2)
1. In the complex plane coordinate system, the point corresponding to Z is the point in the circle (including the circle) with point (3,4) as the center and 2 as the radius. According to the geometric knowledge, the maximum value of Z modulus is | 3 + 4I | + 2 = 72, and the point corresponding to Z1 * Z2 is (cosasina + 1, cosa + Sina), so the square of its absolute value is (cosasina + 1) ^ 2 + (co
1. The trajectory of Z is a circle with (3,4) as its center and 2 as its radius.
(3,4) the distance to the origin is 5,
So the maximum value of Z is 5 + 2 = 7
The maximum value of | Z1 * Z2 | is 3 / 2
1. The trajectory of Z is a circle with (3,4) as its center and 2 as its radius.
(3,4) the distance to the origin is 5,
So the maximum value of Z is 5 + 2 = 7
The maximum value of | Z1 * Z2 | is 3 / 2, and the minimum value is √ 2
In RLC series resonant circuit, it is known that inductance L is equal to 40 μ h, capacitance C is equal to 40 PF, and quality factor Q is equal to 60
The current in the circuit is 0.06a at resonance. The voltage at the circuit end, the voltage at both ends of capacitor and inductor are calculated
The resonance angle frequency is ω = 1 / √ 40 × 40 × 10 ^ - 18 = 2.5 × 10 ^ 7,
Quality factor Q = ω L / r = 60, r = 16.667 ohm,
The voltage at both ends of the circuit is u = RI = 1V,
The voltage at both ends of capacitor and inductor is the same, the direction is opposite, u = ω Li = 60V