The minimum prime number is (), and the minimum composite number is ()

The minimum prime number is (), and the minimum composite number is ()

The smallest prime number 2
The smallest sum 4
The smallest prime number is ()% of the smallest composite number
A number is made up of three 1's and five 1 / 6's. This number is () and its reciprocal is ()
Like integers, decimals have a progression of 10 between adjacent counting units. ()
The reciprocal of true fraction is greater than 1. ()
All prime numbers are odd. ()
An apple weighs about 40% of a kilogram. ()
The smallest prime number is (50%) of the smallest composite number
The smallest prime number is 2 and the smallest composite number is 4, so the smallest prime number is 50% of the smallest composite number
The smallest prime number is (50)% of the smallest composite number. A number is composed of three 1's and five 1 / 6's. This number is () and its reciprocal is ()
Like integers, decimals have a progression of 10 between adjacent counting units. ()
The reciprocal of true fraction is greater than 1. ()
All prime numbers are odd. ()
An apple weighs about 40% of a kilogram. Adopt me, ask you again, answer first and then unfold
The smallest prime number is (50)% of the smallest composite number
Like integers, decimals have a progression of 10 between adjacent counting units. ()
The reciprocal of true fraction is greater than 1. ()
All prime numbers are odd. ()
An apple weighs about 40% of a kilogram. ()
What is the difference between "such" and "so" that… With so that… What's the difference? Please explain it separately
What is the difference between "such" and "so"?
such… that… With so that… What's the difference?
So is an adjective / adverb;
so… In that structure, so can be followed by an adjective or an adverb
If the noun after "such" is modified by many, much, fee, little, etc., then "so" is used instead of "such"
Such modifies the following noun, while so modifies the following adjective or adverb.
Such as: such a cleaner boy
So + Adjective + (A / an) + noun: so cleaner a boy
The difference between such... That... And so... That
What and which followed by singular or plural
Which city do you live in which cities have you been to? What problems have you met? What language can you speak?
What and which can be followed by singular or plural nouns
What can't be followed by noun, which can be singular or plural
What can't be followed by a noun
All right
General rules adjective to noun, adverb, noun to adjective, adverb
Which is an adjective or a noun adverb
Adjective difficult
There are also other adjectives ending with "Y" to become a noun, such as: honest, add y to become a noun: honest; honest
In many cases, adding "ly" after an adjective will change into an adverb, such as slow slow; quick quickly
Difficultly is an adjective, difficultly is a noun and difficultly is an adverb
What + is singular or plural
what languages what language
It's all right, it's not countable
What a fine day!
What big apples they are!
What bad weather!
What a good boy he is!
What good boys they are!
Which words are adjectives, adverbs and nouns in English
Just give me a few common words
Example noun: friend adjective / adverb: friendly
1. The main usage of adjectives: adjectives are used to describe what a person or thing looks like or how it looks like. Most adjectives can be used as both attributives and predicative. Adjectives are used as attributives, modifying nouns, indicating the attributes of nouns, usually placed in front of the nouns they modify. Adjectives are used as predicative verbs, and are located in conjunction verbs be, see, look, come, get, feel, turn, (2) when adjectives are used to modify any, something, everything, nothing and other compound indefinite pronouns, the adjectives should be placed after the compound indefinite pronouns. (3) when the compound adjectives connected by hyphens are used as attributives, the adjectives should be used to modify the compound indefinite pronouns, It is always placed in front of the modified noun, and the noun in the compound adjective can only use the singular form, such as an eighteen year old boy. ④ the definite article the is used in front of some adjectives to change into a nominalized adjective to express a kind of person or thing, such as the rich / the rich people
2. The main usage of Adverbs: adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, other adverbs or the whole sentence, indicating time, place, degree, way and other concepts. ① adverbs that express "often or not" are also called frequency adverbs, such as "always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, never, ever" in the middle of the sentence, and "sometimes" can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence, For example: many, a little, very, almost and so on are usually placed in front of the modified words, but enough should be placed after the modified adjectives or adverbs
3. Easy to mix adjectives (adverbs)
① Good and well: good is an adjective, used as an attributive or predicative; well is an adverb, modified verb, put after the verb, if there is an object, put after the object, but when it is used as "good health", well is an adjective
-How are you?
-Extremely well
② Still, yet, already, still (still) is usually placed before the verb and after the Copula; yet (still, still) is generally used at the end of a negative sentence or an interrogative sentence; already (already) is generally placed after the auxiliary verb and before the action verb, sometimes at the end of the sentence. Already is usually only used in declarative sentences, in interrogative sentences it means to be surprised at what has happened, but it can not be used in negative sentences
4. The comparative information marker of adjective and adverb
① "Than" is the most common sign word in comparative grade
My cake is bigger than Lily's.
Note: in the comparative level with the conjunction than, the object of comparison before and after must be the same category, that is, the comparison between similar things
② Many, a lot, a little, a bit. These can be used to modify the comparative degree of adjectives or adverbs to express degree
Wu Dong is a little taller than Wang Fang.
This lesson is a bit easier than the last lesson.
③ It is used to modify an adjective or adverb to indicate "further deepening"
It's cold today,but it is going to be even colder tomorrow.
Note: Adverbs of degree such as very, quite, or rather can only modify the original, not the comparative
④ Get / come... And. Here, the same adjective or adverb connected with and is often used in the comparative level to mean "becoming more and more It gets warmer
and warmer when spring comes.
⑤ This sentence pattern means "Yue The more The comparative degree of an adjective or adverb
The higher you stand, the farther you'll see
Note: "more and more If the comparative level is composed of "original level + Er", the form of "comparative level + and + comparative level" is often used; if the comparative level is composed of "more + original level", the form of "more and more + original level" is needed, The article before it cannot be omitted
⑥ Which do you like better, milk or tea?
⑦ He worked as hard as his brother
⑧ This book is not as (so) interesting as that one
5. The most advanced information marker of adjective and adverb
The preposition "in" is often followed by singular nouns or pronouns such as unit, group, organization and time concept; of is followed by "the + cardinal + (plural noun)" or "all the + plural noun"; the preposition "along" is followed by the objective pronoun us, you, them or the demonstrative pronoun these, those
①Who is the fattest student in their class?
② Of all the planes the Venus is the nearest to the earth
③This picture is the most beautiful among these.
(2) in the choice question, if there are more than three choices and there are or connections, the adjective or adverb in front should use the superlative, such as: which is the biggest, the moon, the earth or the sun?
⑶one of the+… + plural noun. Means "(among many) the most It's a common sentence pattern in the superlatives of adjectives
①Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world.
②He is one of the tallest boys in our class.
Note: ① the superlative adjective can be limited by ordinal numbers to modify the following nouns. For example, Taiwan is the first big island in China. ② the superlative adjective is usually preceded by the definite article the, but when it is limited by adjective possessive pronouns, noun possessive, demonstrative pronouns, etc, The is often omitted before the superlative of the adverb
6. The mutual transformation of adjective and adverb comparative grade sentence patterns
Common conversions between comparison levels are:
1. Not so / as + original level + as can be changed to "comparative level + than"
2. Not so / as + original + as can be changed to "less + original + than"
3. The superlative + of / in phrase can be changed to "comparative + than any other + singular noun / than any of the others / anyone else / anything else"… Better (than) can be changed to "prefer (to)".… Best can be changed to be one's favorite
6. In the process of synonym conversion, if we use antonyms or phrases, we should sometimes pay attention to the exchange between the subjects of the upper and lower sentences
Is there be followed by two uncountable nouns in plural or singular
Like there___ panic and chaos everywhere.
Is it a countable noun?
I see some sentences using there was a panic
If the following is singular, the preceding be is singular. If the following is plural, the preceding be is plural
So I use is here
In addition, even the same English word can be used as countable noun or uncountable noun in different situations
Panic is theoretically uncountable. But sometimes it can refer to a panic event. At this time, it becomes countable
It can be used here as both countable and uncountable nouns, generally in the singular form, while chaos can only be used as uncountable nouns. But in this sentence, it involves the subject predicate consistency of existential sentences. The singular and plural forms of predicate verbs in existential sentences generally depend on the subsequent substantive subjects. The substantive subjects are singular, while the predicate verbs are singular, and vice versa. Here The real subject of is the coordinate structure of two noun phrases