If the least common multiple of a composite number and a prime number is 36, then the two numbers are

If the least common multiple of a composite number and a prime number is 36, then the two numbers are

We decompose 36 into a prime factor, and we get
There are two primes in it, so there may be two solutions
2, 18 or 3, 12
Among them, 3 and 12 should be excluded because their least common multiple is 24.
Only 2,18 of them met the requirements.
There are three primes whose least common multiple is 105______ And______ .
105 = 3 × 5 × 7, so the three prime numbers are 3, 5 and 7 respectively
There are three primes whose least common multiple is 105______ And______ .
105 = 3 × 5 × 7, so the three prime numbers are 3, 5 and 7 respectively
Please write an English composition with the theme of "a sports star" (100 words)
The famous person I want to talk about is Yaoming,who is a very famous and successful basketball player.Now he lives in Houston,but his hometown is Shanghai, China.He ’s famous for his height.He ’s ver...
All the students except me singular or plural
The predicate verb is plural when it is subject, such as
All the students except me go out to play.
The predicate should be plural, consistent with all the students
Sport and the usage of sports
Sport is a noun, refers to sports, sports competition
Sports can be a noun, refers to the sports meeting, but also can be an adjective, at this time interpreted as sports, sports, and sports related, such as sports news is "sports news", refers to sports related news
Sport is an uncountable noun.
Sports refers to a variety of sports.
One or two students in the class plus singular or plural
One or two students in the class_____ often late for school. It's better to let _____ parents know.
A.is his B.is their C.are his D.are their
One or two predicates are plural. Of course, they are also plural
We have sports shoes___ ____ ___ We have sneakers in all colors
of all colours
Each of the students, singular or plural
Reciprocal singular
Adopt before you answer
I think it's odd
It should be regarded as singular
Use the singular as the subject predicate verb, e.g
Each of the students has a book.
I wish you a happy winter vacation, learning progress! If you don't understand, please ask again
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******... unfold
Use the singular as the subject predicate verb, e.g
Each of the students has a book.
I wish you a happy winter vacation, learning progress! If you don't understand, please ask again
To help, please click the "select as satisfactory answer" button in this page, thank you!
*************************************************************************Put it away
Each of the boys gets a book from me.
The boys is plural, but only "every boy" gets "gets" as singular
Like both, each is only used before the plural and can be followed by of + these / those.
We hope to adopt:)
Put each in the front and use the singular.
Sports shoes means sports shoes. Is it a compound noun?
The shorts shoes are green, would you like to know whether the shorts shoes are the subject or the shots are the subject and sports are the attributive
Sports is an attribute
It's a compound noun. A noun is composed of two words. For example, swimming pool is also a compound noun
Sneakers, gym shoes are also sneakers