Prime number, composite number and factorial prime factor 1. 11112222 pieces are arranged in a rectangular array. The number of pieces in each horizontal line is one more than that in each vertical line. How many pieces are there in each horizontal line of this rectangular array? 2. The product of five adjacent natural numbers is 55440. What is the sum of these five natural numbers? 3. The natural number a multiplied by 338 is just the square of the natural number B. find the minimum value of a and the value of B

Prime number, composite number and factorial prime factor 1. 11112222 pieces are arranged in a rectangular array. The number of pieces in each horizontal line is one more than that in each vertical line. How many pieces are there in each horizontal line of this rectangular array? 2. The product of five adjacent natural numbers is 55440. What is the sum of these five natural numbers? 3. The natural number a multiplied by 338 is just the square of the natural number B. find the minimum value of a and the value of B

The answer upstairs is simple, but seeing such a large number, few people can directly get the product of those two numbers. I have a complicated method here. The first question 11112222 is decomposed into two 2 * 1111 * 5001, 2 * 11 * 101 * 3 * 1667. Can 1667 be decomposed? Suppose that it can be decomposed, then the mantissa of the factor should be 1
Must divisor be prime when factoring prime factor? Must divisor be prime when using short division to find the greatest common factor? Or can it be composite?
For example, to find the greatest common factor of 12 and 16, the divisor can be divided by 2, and then divided by 2. Can you directly divide by 4?
Since it is a factorial prime (the word "quality" is very important), then every term decomposed must be prime;
When using the short division method to find the greatest common factor, the divisor does not need to be prime, and the sum is OK. The main purpose is to find the greatest common factor. For example, 12 and 16 can be divided by the combined number 4. After division, the remaining 3 and 4 are coprime, and they are divided completely. 4 is their greatest common factor
What are the plural nouns
In English, there are some nouns with the same singular and plural forms, mainly in the following categories: 1. Some animal nouns; 2. Some nouns indicating human beings; 3. Craft and nouns composed of - craft; 4. Some nouns indicating quantity; 5. Other nouns with the same singular and plural forms: antelope, bison, buffalo, crab, deer deer, fish, reindeer, There are only plural nouns trousers pants pants pants shorts glasses glasses, which can be used as a reference for the development of modern Chinese medicine, People, police, cat are plural, sometimes family is also used (OK: a person, a policeman, a head of cat TLE, the English, the British, the French, the Chinese, the Japanese, The Chinese are industrious and brave
What if the emphasis is on plural nouns?
It is dogs that help people.; O & H: P5 W1 X. h |) y "L. T6|
They are dogs that help people
It is... That... Is the basic form of an emphatic sentence. There is no such form as the plural they are... That
It is the dog that helps people
If you can't change it, it's not emphasis
Square root of complex 1-I
1-I = √ 2 (1 / √ 2-I / √ 2) = √ 2 (COS (- π / 4) + isin (- π / 4)) = √ 2 (COS (2k π - π / 4) + isin (2k π - π / 4)) so the square root is: 2 ^ (1 / 4) * (COS (K π - π / 8) + isin (K π - π / 8)) = 2 ^ (1 / 4) * (COS (π / 8) - isin (π / 8)) or 2 ^ (1 / 4) (COS (7 π / 8) + isin (7 π / 8))
Why is the plural of a noun after that's
There is a sentence: that's two hamburgers, one hot dog and three colas
In the article, two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas are regarded as a whole, so singular is used
Square root of complex z = 1-I / 1 + I
Answer ± (1-I) * 1 / radical 2
Is the noun after that plural or singular
Friends who ask questions by mobile phone can comment on [satisfaction] on the client
Help each other, wish common progress!
Singular, because that means this, not these, so there is only one proof, so it is singular
What is the square root of I? Is it beyond the range of complex number
Will not exceed the range of complex numbers. Complex number of four operations and the square root, the result is complex
The square root operation of complex number can be understood as the square root operation of complex number module and the rotation of complex number angle
Suppose z = a + bi is the square root of I, Z & # 178; = I, then (a + bi) &# 178; = A & # 178; - B & # 178; + 2abi = I
It is known that a & # 178; - B & # 178; = 0 2Ab = 1, and the solution is a = b = ± 1 / 2 * √ 2
So z = 1 / 2 * √ 2 + 1 / 2 * √ 2I or - 1 / 2 * √ 2-1 / 2 * √ 2I
(- 1). ^ (1 / 4), not exceeding the range of the plural
When do you use the plural family in a sentence
When it comes to more than two families, use the plural
There are over three hundred families in this village.