What is the sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100______ The difference is______ .

What is the sum of the largest prime number and the smallest composite number within 100______ The difference is______ .

The largest prime number within 100 is 97, the smallest composite number is 4, their sum: 97 + 4 = 101, their sum and difference: 97-4 = 93
The smallest composite number is ()% more than the smallest prime number
The smallest composite number is more than the smallest prime number (100)%
She will have many ( )of dolls .A different kind B different kinds C difference kind D differences
Option B
Different kinds of dolls: different kinds of dolls
B different kinds kind is a countable noun. Plural after difference
B different is an adjective. The kind after many is plural, so add s
Should sport be singular or plural
Many of the singular
Sport car
Sport coat
Sport shirt
a sport shirt.
Distinguish the usage of different kinds of, many kinds of, all kinds of
Different kinds of
Many kinds of
All kinds of
Are sports car such fixed
Remember, nouns are often used as attributives in the singular, such as: apple tree, when there are several words as attributives, they need to use the plural, such as: sports meeting, students reading room, students reading room, talks table, the foreign languages department
The usage and difference of kinds of a kind of kind of many kind of
There are many kinds of cars in the shop. In the same way, I had a kind of feeling this might happen, That made me feel kind of stupid
A sports club. Why do you add the plural of sport after a? (is a used to modify a club, is sports used to modify a club? Is sports an adjective?
Pro, his a is modifying club, spors is just a determiner, adjective
The difference between the singular and plural nouns
When will it be equal to the others?
Plural: other + plural = others the other + plural = the others
Other can be used as an adjective or pronoun. When used as an adjective, it means "other, other" and generally refers to "other (person or thing)"
Do you have any other question (s)?
Ask some other people!
The other is "other, the rest." you see, according to its meaning, it is usually followed by plural nouns. The other + plural noun = the others, which refers to all the rest in a certain range.
Sports show in English, can it be sport show?
How to write the plural of (sport show, sitcom, soap opera)?
Sports can't be sports, because there are many kinds of sports. If there is one kind of sports, then say that name, such as basketball show
Sitcom complex sitcoms
Complex soap operas