What is a coprime? It is known that the least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 77. What are the two coprime numbers_______

What is a coprime? It is known that the least common multiple of two coprime numbers is 77. What are the two coprime numbers_______

7 and 11
1 and 77
7 and 11
The least common multiple of two primes is 77, and the sum of the two primes is ()
The sum of these two primes is 18
Two different prime numbers, their least common multiple is 77, these two numbers are () and ()
The least common multiple of two different prime numbers is 77, which are (7) and (11) respectively
The quality factor of 77 is as follows
So these two numbers are 7 and 11 respectively
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Countable: Families
Uncountable: family
Plural of family: Families
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Correct one point: family itself can be the plural of family, without change
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We know that the imaginary part of Z is a positive number, and | Z | = root sign 5. The square of Z + 2Z (the first horizontal) is a real number. If w = Z + AI. (a is less than or equal to 0 and greater than or equal to negative 3), we find the value range of | w |
Let z = x + Yi
|Z | = root 5, so x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 5
Z ^ 2 + 2Z is a real number, so x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 2xyi + 2x-2yi is a real number
So 2xy-2y = 0, so x = 1, so y ^ 2 = 4, because the imaginary part of Z is positive, so y = 2
Z = 1 + 2I, so w = 1 + 2I + AI A is less than or equal to 0, greater than or equal to negative 3, so 2 + A is less than or equal to 2, greater than or equal to - 1
|W | = root (1 + (2 + a) ^ 2) less than or equal to root 5 greater than or equal to root 3
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It is known that the two roots of the equation x & sup2; + X + P = 0 (P ∈ R) are X1 and x2. If | x1 | + | x2 | = 3, the value of P is obtained
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