The greatest common divisor of 42 and 70 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

The greatest common divisor of 42 and 70 is______ The least common multiple is______ .

42 = 2 × 3 × 7, 70 = 2 × 5 × 7, so the greatest common divisor of 42 and 70 is 2 × 7 = 14, and the least common multiple is 2 × 7 × 3 × 5 = 210
The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 42 and 75
Using the short division method: divide 42 and 75 into one and three at the same time, and they are 14 and 25 respectively. Let's see that 14 and 25 have common factors, and we find that they don't have any. The minimum common multiple is 3 ^ 14 ^ 25 = 2150, and the maximum common factor is 3
The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 70 and 42 are ()
A. 7、140B. 2、126C. 14、210D. 14、140
70 = 7 × 2 × 5, 42 = 7 × 2 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 70 and 42 is 7 × 2 = 14, and the least common multiple is 7 × 2 × 5 × 3 = 210
A problem of plural
Find the complex Z satisfying | (Z + 1) / (Z-1) | = 1 and Z + (2 / z) ∈ R
Let z = x + Yi, (x, y ∈ R), then Z + 2 / z = x + Yi + 2 / (x + Yi) = x + 2x / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) + [y-2y / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;)] I get y-2y / (X & sup2; + Y & sup2;) = 0 from Z + (2 / z) ∈ R. so y = 0 or X & sup2; + Y & sup2; = 2. If y = 0, then z = X. | (Z + 1) / (Z-1) = | (x + 1) / (x-1) | = 1, then x =
How to write the plural of the following sentences
look!There is a man and a woman in the picture .What are the boy and girl doing The girl is crying and the boy is piaying cards .The boy is a child and the girl is a child ,too.
Look!There are men and women in pictures .What are the boys and girls doing
The girls are crying and the boys are piaying cards.The boys are children and the girls are children ,too.
Look,There are men and women in the picture. What are the boys and girls doing?The girls are crying and the boys are playing cards. The boys are children and the girls are childre , too
Who can tell me how to change the plural in English?
General direct plus s
Add es at the end of S, x, SH, ch
If the consonant ends with y, change y to I and es
Add s or es at the end of O
Add s at the end of F and Fe or change f and Fe to V and ES
English means "Englishman", plural or original
Ask: is it all plus s
Do you mean plural as singular?
the meeting involves ( )in the city
mathematics teachers
The plural form of mathematics is used as a singular noun
Who can tell me how to translate this sentence? And why add s after teacher? Can't mathematics teacher?
The question you mentioned is quite common in English. Now the explanation is as follows: mathematical is an adjective, mathematics is a noun form, and the plural form of mathematical adjective is a singular noun. There are many usages in English. Take two examples: good adjective, good goods noun, goods electronic
That's what mathematics is
There are two short forms: math and math
Mathematical is an adjective
Mathematics is noun mathematics
Mathematical is an adjective
Mathematics is a noun form
The plural form of an adjective is used as a singular noun
good adj.
goods n.
The whole meaning of that question is
This meeting needs the participation of math teachers in the city
There must be more than one math teacher in the city
So teachers
Mathematics teachers is a specific noun
physics teachers
Chemistry teachers and so on
Otherwise, change to the form of noun + adjective
Chemical teachers is a bit of a teacher of chemical evolution
Mathematics is not a plural form, it is a single complex word.
English speaking country, nationality (adj), Chinese (singular and plural), language. The more the better
With Chinese translation!
If there are multiple statements, it's better to list them all
Must be a few common, e.g. China, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, etc
The more, the more
By the way, there are also full names and abbreviations. e.g.
Full name of China: the RC (the people's Republic of China) abbreviation: CHN (CN) country: China Nationality: Chinese language: Chinese people: Chinese (s)
Not so much. We need 20 or 30 commonly used ones.
It's better to have everything I said.
I changed the answer for you
Full name of China: the RC (the people's Republic of China) abbreviation: CHN (CN) country: China Nationality: Chinese language: Chinese people: Chinese (s)
The last line of each paragraph is the full name
Australia abbreviation: Au country: Australia
Nationality: Australian Language: Australian people: Australian (s)
Commonwealth of Australia
Russian abbreviation: Ru
Nationality: Russian language: Russian people: Russian (s)
Russian Federation
German abbreviation: de
Nationality: German language: German people: German (E) n
Federal Republic of Germany
French abbreviation: fr
Nationality: Franch language: Franch people: franchma (E) n
Republic of France
Canada abbreviation CA
Nationality: Canadian Language: Canadian people: Canadian (s)
Canada, Canada
United States
Nationality: American Language: English people: Americans
United States of America
United Kingdom abbreviation GB
Nationality: Britain language: English people: englishma (E) n
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Italian abbreviation it
Nationality: Italian language: Italian people: Italian (s)
Republic of Italy
Spanish abbreviation es
Kingdom of Spain
Korea, Republic of KR
Republic of Korea
Mexico abbreviation MX
United States of Mexico
It means hard work and originality
Please list the languages, people (singular and plural) and English forms of capitals of the following countries
In English words, I want Singapore, Canana, Italy and Russian. Thank you!
Singapore, English and Chinese, Singapore, Singapore City, Canada, English and French (French is also the official language), Canadian, Ottawa, Italy, Italian, Italian, Rome, Russia, Russian, Russian, Russian, Moscow, absolutely right
Find 10 English plural words in the picture
I've found 10, and I've found 6, which are schools, boys, maps, Rens, walls, pencils
The picture is like this:
That's it,
Shirts? Names? Pens·······
Shirts names pens upstairs
And trees
There is also a tree