Factorization: (x + y) ^ 2 + 3 (x + y)

Factorization: (x + y) ^ 2 + 3 (x + y)

3x²-(x-2)=0 (2x-1)(x+3)=4 x²-3x-4=0 x²-3x+18=0
There is also a 3x & # 178; + (X-2) = 2 √ 3x
3x^2-X+2=0 deerta=(-1)^2-4X3X2=-23
1.x²-3x-18≤0 2.-x²+x≥3x+1
And (2x + 1) > 0
Solving inequality
The algorithm for defining the new operation @ is :x@y=x-y/xy , find [2 @ (- 3)] @ (- 4)!
Mathematical problem equation two variables cubic
Square of X + cubic of Y
If you add 2 to both sides of the equation, the left side becomes the square of X + the third power of Y, and the right side becomes 144, so the answer is 144
Cubic power of (x + y) - (square of X-Y) (X-Y)
X & # 178; + Y & # 179; = 144: is that all? Don't understand = =. Can you be more detailed? Actually, I'm asking for help
150 fractional operations and 50 factorization (including answers)
As long as the calculation problem,
I'm sorry, it's hard to answer, because I'm very shallow, so I don't know much about it
Of all the natural numbers in 2009, how many integers x make 2x and X2 the same number divided by 7
When x is a single digit
2X = 20+X = 21 + (X-1)
X2 = 10X + 2 = 7X + (3X+2)
Then 3x + 2 = X-1 + 7K
2X = 7K - 3, obviously k = 1,3, x = 2,9
When x is a two digit number
2X = 200+X = 196+ (X+4)
X2 = 10X + 2 = 7X + (3X+2)
Then x + 4 = 3x + 2 - 7K
2X = 7K + 2, obviously K is an even number, k = 2T, x = 7T + 1, that is, X is the double digit of 1 divided by 7
X is 13 from 15 to 99
When x is three digits
2X = 2000+X = 2002+ (X-2)
X2 = 10X + 2 = 7X + (3X+2)
Then x - 2 = 3x + 2 - 7K
2X = 7k-4, obviously K is an even number, k = 2T, x = 7t-2, that is, X is a three digit number of 5 divided by 7
X from 103 to 999, a total of 129
When x is four digits
2X = 20000+X = 19999+ (X+1)
X2 = 10X + 2 = 7X + (3X+2)
Then x + 1 = 3x + 2 - 7K
2X = 7K - 1, obviously K is an odd number, k = 2T + 1, x = 7T + 3, that is, X is a 4-digit number less than or equal to 2009 divided by 7
X from 1004 to 2005, a total of 144
To sum up, there are 2 + 13 + 129 + 144 = 288
Two hundred and eighty-eight
On the fraction problem of factorization
Known: A & sup2; + 10A + 25 = - | B-3|
Find the value of the fourth power of (a-b) & sup2; Part B multiplied by B & sup3; Part A & sup3; + AB & sup2; - 2A & sup2; B divided by ab + B & sup2; Part B & sup2; - A & sup2
From the meaning of the title
(a + 5) formula = - IB-3 Ⅰ
Because the left is greater than or equal to 0
Right form less than or equal to 0
So left equals right equals 0
So a = - 5, B = 3
Original formula = (AB-A ^ 2) / b ^ 2
Your question is ambiguous. Please pay attention to it
The remainder of the square of a natural number divided by 7 can only be 0,1,4,2
Any natural number can be expressed in the form of 7 m ± 1,7 m ± 2,7 m ± 3,7 m, where m is an integer (7 m ± 1) & 178; = 49 M & 178; ± 14 m + 1, and the remainder of 7 is 1 (7 m ± 2) & 178; = 49 M & 178; ± 28 m + 4, and the remainder of 7 is 4 (7 m ± 3) & 178; = 49 M & 178; ± 42 m + 9
Factorization. Fraction
1: X & # 178; y-2xy + Y / Y-X & # 178; y, where x = - 2
2: A & # 178; - 3AB / A & # 178; - 6ab + 9b & # 178;, where a = 3 / 2, B = - (2 / 3) the answer is 3 / 7
"/" is a fractional line
Urgent, I got stuck in the end. And the calculated answer is different from the answer
(x²y-2xy+y)/(y-x²y) =x²-2x+1/1-x²=(x-1)²/(1-x)(1+X) =(1-X)/(1+X)=(1+2)/(1-2)=-3 a²-3ab/a²-6ab+9b²=a(a-3b)/(a-3b)²=a/(a-3b)=(3/2)/(3/2+3*2/3)=(3/2)/(3/2+...