1 / 2x & # 178; + 3x-1 = 0 problem solving process

1 / 2x & # 178; + 3x-1 = 0 problem solving process

2X & # 178; + 3x-7 = 0,
(X-5)²-36=0 3X²+6X-2=0
x=-1 x=11
The remainder of 1937200721122252 divided by a natural number is all the same, so what is the maximum natural number?
2007-1937 = 702112-1937 = 175 = 70 + 1052252-1937 = 315 = 70 + 105 + 140 70105140 the greatest common divisor is 35, so it should be 35: how to consider? For a natural number n, 1937 = p1n + R2007 = 1937 + 70 = p1n + R + 70, if the remainder is r, then 70 must be divisible by N, that is, 70 can
Can fractions be factorized
It's OK to meet special circumstances, such as
One of the squares of X + 2 times the square of 1 / X * 1 / y + 1 / y can be factorized with a complete square
In the natural numbers larger than 2007, find out the numbers whose quotient and remainder are equal after 47 division one by one. What is the sum of these numbers?
The sum of these numbers is 10560
Let's take a look at the title again?
On factorization and fraction
① (x-2)²+0(x-2)+25
② (z²+1)²-4z(z²+1)+4z²
③ (a+b)²-6(a+b)+9
④ (x+y)^3-4xy(x+y)
⑤ 4x²y²-4xy+1
The formula is as follows
(1) The mixture of a and B can be made into a mixed drink according to the mass ratio X: y. how many a drinks does this mixed drink need?
(2) If the distance from the starting point to the destination is m km, and the speed of a is faster than that of B, how many hours does a arrive at the destination ahead of B?
Two practical problems
① (X-2) & # 178; + 10 (X-2) + 25 = (X-2 + 5) & # 178; = (x + 3) & # 178; (if the intermediate coefficient is 10) ② (Z & # 178; + 1) & # 178; - 4Z (Z & # 178; + 1) + 4Z & # 178; = (Z & # 178; + 1 - 2Z) & # 178; = (Z-1) ^ 4 ③ (a + b) & # 178; - 6 (a + b) + 9 = (a + B -
The original formula = (X-2 + 5) &# 178; = (x + 3) &# 178;
1, the middle should be 10, the original formula = (X-2 + 5) &# 178; = (x + 3) &# 178;
2, the original formula = (Z & # 178; - 2Z + 1) &# 178; = (Z-1) ^ 4
3, the original formula = (a + B-3) &;
4, the original formula = (x + y) [(x + y) &# 178; - 4xy] = (x + y) (X-Y) &# 178;
5, the original formula = (2xy-1) &# 178;
1 × X / (x + y) kg
2,... Unfold
1, the middle should be 10, the original formula = (X-2 + 5) &# 178; = (x + 3) &# 178;
2, the original formula = (Z & # 178; - 2Z + 1) &# 178; = (Z-1) ^ 4
3, the original formula = (a + B-3) &;
4, the original formula = (x + y) [(x + y) &# 178; - 4xy] = (x + y) (X-Y) &# 178;
5, the original formula = (2xy-1) &# 178;
1 × X / (x + y) kg
2, M / B-M / a hours in advance.
In addition, they are all very basic questions. I hope you can think and master them by yourself, which will be good for you. Put it away
When natural numbers 390, 369 and 25 are divided by natural numbers a (a > 1), the remainder is the same. Find the remainder of 2581 divided by A
Sorry, there is something wrong with typing. It should be that when natural numbers 390, 369 and 425 are divided by natural numbers a (a > 1), the remainder is the same. Find the remainder of 2581 divided by A
It can be seen that the difference between the three can be divided by 7
So a = 7
Verification: 390 / 7 = 55 * 7 + 5
The result is correct
Therefore, 2581 / 7 = 368 * 7 + 5
Therefore, the remainder of 2581 / 7 is 5
What does it mean that some numbers are divided by another number and the remainder is the same? It means that their difference must be a multiple of this number.
Let's see, 390-369 = 21369-25 = 344
Let's break down the prime factor
344 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 43, where 43 is prime.
21 = 3 * 7, all prime numbers.
It can be seen that there is no common quality factor (except 1)
Therefore, there is no solution to the problem.
Upstairs answer more than 19, please check first, 360 / 21 = 17 more than 3
What does it mean that some numbers are divided by another number and the remainder is the same? It means that their difference must be a multiple of this number.
Let's see, 390-369 = 21369-25 = 344
Let's break down the prime factor
344 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 43, where 43 is prime.
21 = 3 * 7, all prime numbers.
It can be seen that there is no common quality factor (except 1)
Therefore, there is no solution to the problem.
If you want to answer the above questions, please check them first, 360 / 21 = 17:3, 25 / 21 = 1:4
Not every question has an answer, and it doesn't rule out that the landlord copied the wrong question Put it away
Because the remainder of three natural numbers divided by a is the same. So the difference must be in the form of multiplication of two numbers.
When a = 3 or 7. All of them do not conform to the meaning of the title.
If a is not equal to 1, then a = 21 meets the requirement.
2581÷21=122…… Nineteen
The remainder is 19
Calculating the fraction equation by decomposing 20 fractions with 20 factors
When natural numbers 390, 369 and 425 are divided by a natural number (greater than one), the remainder is the same. Try to find the remainder of 2011 divided by this number?
This number must be the common factor of the following two numbers
So you can get a divisor of 7
So the remainder is two
Let this natural number = x, and the same remainder = y, then ① ax + y = 390, ② BX + y = 369, ③ CX + y = 425, where a, B and C are integers. From ① - ②, we can get: ④ (a-b) x = 21 = 3 × 7, ③ - ②, we can get: ⑤ (C-B) x = 56 = 8 × 7, by comparison, we can get: x = 7, | 2011 / 7 = 287 2  remainder = 2