英語奧數,高手請進! Tom,Billy and Mike plant trees in A and B.They should plant 900trees in A,A and 1250 Trees in B.We knowTOM billy and MIKE trees respectively24,30,32,everyday.Tomplant trees in A,then plant inB,The two pieces of lands begin and end at the sametime.Whenshould Billy turn from A to B? 幫忙翻譯下,請寫出詳細過程,小生將感激不盡!

英語奧數,高手請進! Tom,Billy and Mike plant trees in A and B.They should plant 900trees in A,A and 1250 Trees in B.We knowTOM billy and MIKE trees respectively24,30,32,everyday.Tomplant trees in A,then plant inB,The two pieces of lands begin and end at the sametime.Whenshould Billy turn from A to B? 幫忙翻譯下,請寫出詳細過程,小生將感激不盡!


A turtle covers a distance of 90 meters in 3hours.What’s the average speed of the ant in decimeters per minute?

即0.5m /min

The boys,Dudi and Gani,run back and forth between two points A and B at a constant speed withoutstopping.Dudi,s speed is 1.5 times Gani,sspeed.Dudiruns from A to B while Gani from B to A.They both start at the sametime.thetwo boys meet for the first time at 800 meters away from B.How far are the bots from A when they meet for the second time?翻譯並解答,事後必有重謝!



International Olympic Maths Competition(IOMC)
International Mathematics Olympiad