以“My Daily Life“寫一篇60詞的英語作文

以“My Daily Life“寫一篇60詞的英語作文

My daily life is routine.I wake up at six in the morning.I brush my teeth andshit.Aftershitting,I wash my arse clean clean.I take a bus to school.I have lunch inschool.Afterschool,I go home to have dinnerwith my mother.I do my homework before I sleep.

英語作文my daily life怎麼寫

My daily life is extremely monotonous,I try hard to adapt myself toit.Why?BecauseI intend to be a good student.I wish to render service to my country.
I get up at six o’clock everyday.AfterI wash my face and brush my teeth,I begin to review my lessons.I go to school at seven o’clock.
After school is over,I returnhome.Weusually have supper at seven o’clock.ThenI begin to do my homework.I want to finish it before I go to bed.

小學六年級英語作文my daily life

My daily lifeAs a student,I usually get up at 7 in the morning,then I wash and brush.I have breakfast at seven fifteen and then go to school at half pst seven.I usually have five class in the morning…

自從2003年以來,我們的首都北京發生了許多巨大的變化.(change a lot/ take place/there be…)

Our capital Beijing has changed a lot since 2003.
Great changes have taken place in our capital Beijing since 2003.
There have been great changes in our capital Beijing since 2003.

take place of great change怎麼用

great changes took place

英語翻譯:我驚喜的發現,最近十年家鄉發生了巨大的變化(take place)

I found it surprisedly that a great change has taken place in hometown during recent ten years.


change season With the season

不見不散的英文翻譯“BE THERE OR BE AQUARE”怎麼解釋?

我曾經就這個問題問過我的美國外教,他說這個詞可以這麼理there的意思就是“那兒”,square在這個短語中的意思不是咱們通常意義上的“廣場”,而是應該是square的另外一個很少用到的“not cool”的意思.所以:“BE THERE…

用英語翻譯:我們要正真掌握一門語言還有很長一段路要走(There be)

There is still a long way to go before we really master a language.

(這有兩袋大米)哪位强人給用英語翻譯一下,用There be句型

There are two pockets of rice.