Find the general solution of the differential equation y '' - 6y '+ 8y = Xe to the power of 2x

Find the general solution of the differential equation y '' - 6y '+ 8y = Xe to the power of 2x

r^2-6r+8=0 r=2 or r=4
Homogeneous equation general C1E ^ (2x) + c2e ^ (4x)
In Xe ^ (2x), 2 is the solution of the characteristic equation
Substituting into the original equation: 2x of Y '' - 6y '+ 8y = Xe
-4a=1 a=-1/4 2a-3b=0 b=2a/3 =-1/6
So the special solution is: y * = (- 1 / 4x ^ 2-1 / 6x) e ^ (2x)
The general solution is: C1E ^ (2x) + c2e ^ (4x) + (- 1 / 4x ^ 2-1 / 6x) e ^ (2x)