In a square pyramid p-abcd, the plane PCD is perpendicular to the plane ABCD, PC = PD = CD = 2, and the dihedral angle b-pd-c is calculated Urgent! It's a process

In a square pyramid p-abcd, the plane PCD is perpendicular to the plane ABCD, PC = PD = CD = 2, and the dihedral angle b-pd-c is calculated Urgent! It's a process

1. Plane PCD ⊥ plane ABCD, plane PCD ∩ plane ABCD = CD, BC ⊥ CD
BC ⊥ plane PCD
2. The midpoint of PD is e, CE ⊥ PD
And BC ⊥ PD, so PD ⊥ plane BCE, so be ⊥ PD
∠ BEC is the required value
In RT △ BEC, BC = 2, CE = √ 3