In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, M is the midpoint of CC1. If point P is on the plane of abb1a1 and satisfies ∠ pdb1 = ∠ mdb1, then the trajectory of point P is () A. Circle B. ellipse C. hyperbola D. parabola

In the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, M is the midpoint of CC1. If point P is on the plane of abb1a1 and satisfies ∠ pdb1 = ∠ mdb1, then the trajectory of point P is () A. Circle B. ellipse C. hyperbola D. parabola

If ∠ pdb1 = ∠ mdb1, the trajectory of DP should be a cone with db1 as the axis and DP as the generatrix, the plane abb1a1 is a plane parallel to the generatrix DM, the point P is on the plane where abb1a1 is located, and the trajectory of point P is a parabola, so D is selected