The height of the right angled trapezoid is 10 cm, the angle between one waist and the lower bottom is 45 ° and the length of the lower bottom is twice that of the upper bottom, then the area of the right angled trapezoid is 10 cm______ .

The height of the right angled trapezoid is 10 cm, the angle between one waist and the lower bottom is 45 ° and the length of the lower bottom is twice that of the upper bottom, then the area of the right angled trapezoid is 10 cm______ .

Through D, make de ⊥ BC in E, ∵ B = 90 °, ∵ ab ⊥ BC, ∵ ab ∥ De, ∵ ad ∥ BC, ∵ quadrilateral abed is a rectangle, ∵ de = AB = 10, ad = be, ∵ BC = be + CE = 2ad,