The area of a circle 8 cm in diameter is equal to the sum of the areas of two circles 4 cm in diameter______ .

The area of a circle 8 cm in diameter is equal to the sum of the areas of two circles 4 cm in diameter______ .

The area of a circle with a diameter of 8 cm: 3.14 × (8 △ 2) 2 = 50.24 (square centimeter), the sum of the areas of two circles with a diameter of 4 cm: 3.14 × (4 △ 2) 2 × 2 = 25.12 (square centimeter), 50.24 square centimeter > 25.12 square centimeter, so "the area of a circle with a diameter of 8 cm is equal to the sum of the areas of two circles with a diameter of 4 cm" is wrong