Cut it into several cubes with an edge length of 2 cm. How many square cm and ratio of the surface area of these cubes to that of the original cuboid A cuboid is 6cm long, 4cm wide and 8cm high

Cut it into several cubes with an edge length of 2 cm. How many square cm and ratio of the surface area of these cubes to that of the original cuboid A cuboid is 6cm long, 4cm wide and 8cm high

The surface area of cuboid is 2 × (4 × 6 + 4 × 8 + 6 × 8) = 208
The number of cuboids (8 / 2) × (6 / 2) × (2 / 2) = 24
The total surface area of the cuboid is 6 × (2 × 2) × 24 = 576
Increased surface area 576-208 = 368