1. The edge length of a cuboid is 60cm, the length is 6cm, the width is 5cm, the height is () cm, the surface area is () cm2, and the volume is () cm3.2. The surface area of a cuboid is 24cm2, the edge length is () cm, and the volume is () cubic cm

1. The edge length of a cuboid is 60cm, the length is 6cm, the width is 5cm, the height is () cm, the surface area is () cm2, and the volume is () cm3.2. The surface area of a cuboid is 24cm2, the edge length is () cm, and the volume is () cubic cm

1. The edge length of a cuboid is 60cm, the length is 6cm, the width is 5cm, the height is (4) cm, the surface area is (148) cm2, and the volume is (120) cm3
The sum of length, width and height is:
60 △ 4 = 15 (CM)
High is:
15-6-5 = 4 (CM)
The surface area is:
2 × (6 × 5 + 6 × 4 + 5 × 4) = 148 (square centimeter)
The volume is:
6 × 5 × 4 = 120 (cm3)
2. The surface area of a cube is 24 square centimeters, the edge length is (2) cm, and the volume is (8) cubic centimeters
The area of one face is:
24 △ 6 = 4 (square centimeter) = 2 × 2
The edge length is 2 cm
The volume is: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 (cubic centimeter)