How many degrees can the minute hand of the clock coincide with the hour hand when it is rotated clockwise from 4 o'clock It is better to write out the equations and the analysis process

How many degrees can the minute hand of the clock coincide with the hour hand when it is rotated clockwise from 4 o'clock It is better to write out the equations and the analysis process

It can be regarded as a pursuit problem. When the hour hand rotates 0.5 degrees per minute, and the minute hand rotates 6 degrees per minute, at 4 o'clock, in the clockwise direction, the hour hand is in the front, and the minute hand is in the back, the angle between the two needles is 120 degrees. When the two needles coincide, the angle of the minute hand rotation is equal to the angle of the hour hand rotation plus the angle of the difference between the two needles