The taxi charging standards in a city are as follows: (1) the starting price is 8 yuan for less than 3 km; (2) for 3 km or more and less than 10 km, an additional 1.7 yuan will be charged for every additional 1 km; for less than 1 km, it will be calculated as 1 km; (3) for 10 km or more, an additional 50% return fee will be charged for every extra kilometer. A person who takes a taxi for 8.2 km will be charged () yuan

The taxi charging standards in a city are as follows: (1) the starting price is 8 yuan for less than 3 km; (2) for 3 km or more and less than 10 km, an additional 1.7 yuan will be charged for every additional 1 km; for less than 1 km, it will be calculated as 1 km; (3) for 10 km or more, an additional 50% return fee will be charged for every extra kilometer. A person who takes a taxi for 8.2 km will be charged () yuan

The fee payable is (18.2) yuan
The starting price is 3 km, 8 yuan. If someone takes a taxi for 8.2 km, it will be charged 1.7 yuan for every additional 1 km and 1 km for less than 1 km. If 8.2-3 = 5.2 km, it will be charged 1.7 yuan for every additional 1 km and 10.2 yuan for every additional 6 km. If the starting price is 8 yuan, the total payment will be 18.2 yuan