As shown in the figure, AB and AC are the chords of ⊙ o, ad ⊥ BC at D, intersection of ⊙ o at F, AE and diameter of ⊙ O. what is the relationship between the two chords be and the size of CF? Explain the reason

As shown in the figure, AB and AC are the chords of ⊙ o, ad ⊥ BC at D, intersection of ⊙ o at F, AE and diameter of ⊙ O. what is the relationship between the two chords be and the size of CF? Explain the reason

Be = CF, reason: ∵ AE is the diameter of ⊙ o, ad ⊥ BC ∫ Abe = 90 °= ∠ ADC ∫ AEB = ∠ ACB (equal circular angle of the same arc), ∫ BAE = ∠ CaF (equal residual angle of equal angle) ≁ be = CF ∫ be = CF