Exercises of attributive clauses in junior middle school Children on the third day of junior high school will soon learn attributive clauses, before in the cram school, but also some unfamiliar, want to do some exercises in this area, please recommend some, thank you

Exercises of attributive clauses in junior middle school Children on the third day of junior high school will soon learn attributive clauses, before in the cram school, but also some unfamiliar, want to do some exercises in this area, please recommend some, thank you

Junior high school English Grammar: special training of attributive clause grammar
Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative words
1.I still remember the night _______ I first came to the house.
2.I'll never forget the day________ we met each other last week.
3.Mr Black is going to Beijing in October,_______ is the best season there.
4.I will never forget the days _______ I spent with your family.
5.I'll never forget the last day______ we spent together.
6.This is the school ______ I used to study.
7.Do you still remember the place______ we visited last week?
8.Do you still remember the place_______ we visited the painting exhibition?
9.Have you ever been to Hangzhou,_____ is famous for the West Lake?
10.Have you ever bee to Hangzhou,______ lies the West Lake?
11.Tom will go to Shanghai,______ live his two brothers.
12.I live in Beijing,____ is the capital of China.
13.There was a time ______ there were slaves in the USA.
14.It is the third time ______ you have made the same mistake.
15.It was in the street _____ I met John yesterday.
16.It was about 600 years ago____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
17.The moment _____ I saw you, I recognized you
18.This is the very novel about____ we've talked so much.
19.This is the way____ he did it.
20.Who is the student _____ was late for school today?
21.Who _____ knows him wants to make friends with him?
22.What else was there in my brother____ you didn't like?
23.He lives in the room____ window faces to the south.
24.He lives in the room,the window_____ faces to the south.
25.This is Mr.John for____ son I brought a book yesterday.