A quadratic function image through a (- 1.0) B (0.5) C (4.5) (1) find the analytic expression of quadratic function (2) find the quadratic function A quadratic function image passes a (- 1.0) B (0.5) C (4.5) (1) Finding the analytic expression of quadratic function (2) Finding the axis of symmetry and vertex coordinates of quadratic function (3) According to the image to answer what value x takes when x ≥ 0 (the image is three coordinates)

A quadratic function image through a (- 1.0) B (0.5) C (4.5) (1) find the analytic expression of quadratic function (2) find the quadratic function A quadratic function image passes a (- 1.0) B (0.5) C (4.5) (1) Finding the analytic expression of quadratic function (2) Finding the axis of symmetry and vertex coordinates of quadratic function (3) According to the image to answer what value x takes when x ≥ 0 (the image is three coordinates)

(1) Let y = ax & # 178; + BX + C (a ≠ 0) bring the coordinates of points a, B and C into the functional expression respectively, and A-B + C = 0 ①c=5………… ②16a+4b+c=5………… ③ The solution of the above three equations is a = - 1, B = 4, C = 5. That is to say, the analytic expression of the quadratic function is y = - X & # 178; + 4x + 5 (2)